Chapter 43

1476 Words

2 days later Cat's POV I told Hale that we were going to leave in 2 days, and the day was already here. I was already packed and I was waiting for Hale to arrive. I knew what I was doing was right. I didn't want to leave, but I had to keep to the promise that I made to myself and my grandfather. I must avenge my parent's death, and I have already wasted enough time, as it is. I continued to wait for Hale, but the longer I waited the more it felt like she wasn't going to come. '' What is wrong with Hale? She was the one who begged to come on this mission with me and now she was nowhere to be found.'' I said to myself. I couldn't wait for her any longer. I had to leave without her. I picked up my bag and rushed for the door, but that was when Edon walked in. '' Where are you

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