Chapter 29

1100 Words

Cat's POV ''This place looks odd. Where are we?'' Edon asked as he helped me to bed. ''Nowhere you should concern yourself with, just know that we will be safe here until the morning,'' I answered. '' But that does not answer my question, Cat, where are we? And who owns this cabin?'' Edon asked again. '' It is none of your business, Edon, rest because tomorrow is another day,'' I said, but my brother just wouldn't let it go. '' Alright, okay, don't bite off my head. The fireplace is still warm. That means someone just left here. That is why I was asking,'' Edon let out and I was confused. '' What do you mean, it can not be,'' I said as I struggled up to my feet, and managed to walk over to the fireplace. And Edon was right, it was still warm, and that only meant that someone

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