Chapter 41

1042 Words

Cat's POV It is settled; now I know for sure that Birthdays are cursed. I lost my parents on my birthday, and now I have also lost my grandfather on my son's birthday. ''Wait, maybe I am the problem. Perhaps I am the one who is cursed because I can not explain why, when it seems like I am slowly becoming happy, the universe comes and destroys it. I must be the problem then,'' I said to myself. '' We can not stay here, Cat,'' Edon let out. '' I know, Uncle Boris and his people might come back, plus the pack was destroyed,'' I said. '' So where are we going to? We can not go back to the shadow pack,'' Edon let out. '' Don't worry, Shadow pack seized to be our home the day Uncle Boris killed our father,'' I said, and Edon looked at me with confusion. '' What? What do you mean by

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