Chapter 23

1004 Words

Cat's POV A day of rest turned into 3 days. I have been here in this cabin with Ladon. He tended to my wound and he was great company, making me forget all about my problems, and weirdly, even though I just met him, it felt like I had known him for a very long time. But even though I was enjoying being far away from the chaos, I still missed my brother, which made me wonder if he was okay. I ran my fingers over the necklace on my neck, which was the last thing my dad gave to me before he died, as I thought about my brother praying to heaven that Uncle Boris have not done something to him, because of what I had done. '' It is special to you?'' I soon heard Ladon ask. '' Your necklace, is it special to you?'' He clarified, maybe seeing the confusion on my face. '' Yes, it is the on

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