Chapter 36

1323 Words

Cat's POV ''Since you forced yourself on me, why don't you tell me about yourself,'' I asked Hale. '' There is nothing to tell, I am just a simple girl, serving here in the pack all my life. I was born here and my parents were omegas so that automatically made me just like them, but I am not complaining, because someone has to serve the beta and the Alpha's right,'' she answered. '' So do you like what you do,'' I asked. '' I can not be a Beta wolf, because my parents were not. So it is my reality, I have to accept it.'' Hale said with a sad look on her face. '' No Hale, do not say that everyone is destined for more. Why don't you start training, so that you can then go up the ranks and become a beta,'' I suggested. '' Omegas are not allowed to train,'' she answered and I was co

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