Chapter 57

1766 Words

Logan's POV When I found out that Iris had a boyfriend, I was heartbroken. My sisters continued to tell me to chase her. But I was not going to humiliate myself, so I decided to keep my distance, and I could say that life went back to normal as if I had never met her. I continued having a fun time with any girl of my choosing, hoping that would help me forget about her, but I must say that it was impossible. The evening soon came, as I had another sexy invite to attend. So I got dressed and made my way out of the house, but my dad caught me before I could leave. '' Son, where are you off to?'' I suddenly heard my father ask. '' I have a date; a pretty redhead is waiting for me in my guest house,'' I answered with a smirk, but my dad only rolled his eyes. '' We will have to talk a

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