Chapter 26

1029 Words

Cat's POV My mind raced, as I read the note again and again, but I couldn't understand what the note was telling me. I was confused, so I looked at the note for what felt like an eternity. Trying to decipher the meaning in my head, but no matter how much I tried I couldn't understand what the note meant. I knew it was only Ladon that could write this. I didn't know what his handwriting looked like, but he was the only one that called me Diosa. ''But what did he mean by these words? What was he sorry about?'' I asked myself. '' Did I do something wrong, or did he do something wrong that made him write this,'' I asked myself as I kept on thinking about what possessed him to write this. '' No something is not right,'' I kept on saying to myself. I had to wait for him to come back.

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