Chapter 32

1327 Words

Cat's POV '' What do you mean that I can not go anywhere? are you going to force me to stay here? I don't know you and you don't know me, plus I don't even know how I ended up here. And I do not care to know, all I care about is wanting to leave and you can not stop me. So show me where you kept my brother so we can be on our way,'' I yelled and the old man smirked. '' Such a chaotic soul you have,'' the man let out as his eyes curiously hovered over my body. '' I still can not believe that the white wolf would choose to be one with an ordinary little girl like you, but it seems like you are not as ordinary as I thought if the white wolf chose you among all the strongest wolves in existence, so I ask you again, who are you, girl? Who are your parents? What pack are you from?'' the old

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