"...Cessi, if you keep making that face, I'm really going to have Krai stick to you like the stench behind an old dragon's butt." She bit her lips, glancing at her reflection in the mirror and noticed she had begun smiling again without even thinking about it. In the mirror, Nana, who was helping her brush her hair, exchanged a smile with her. "...Well, Lady Tessa, I think you're just a bit upset over last night." "How could I be!" Protested Tessa, blushing. "I... I barely remember anything!" No one in the room believed that. She had been grumbling and beating a poor pillow for a while now, retreating to the end of Cessilia's large bed and blushing constantly. When Cessilia had come back late the previous night, her cousin was nowhere in sight, and this morning, she had barged into