19 | Fate

3687 Words
Daegon A few days passed and the pack had settled down. Those that had been knocked unconscious from the wave of Aura power had woken after a while, but with recollection of what happened. Trixa had been avoiding Daegon, her sulking attitude constantly rippling through the pack link to the point Daegon had closed it off for a while, instructing Treyton to notify him of any changes. And changes there were. A group of Vargulfs had been spotted on the boarder of the city two days ago, but what caused alarms to sound was the fact they didn't even seem to bother attacking the Patrol party that had stumbled across them, their attention and direction had been elsewhere. Blayde had reported these strange encounters back to his King, his concern at the sudden disinterest of their pack more worrying then their potential attacks. Trixa had remained quiet, her link now cut off from his as she silently listened to the reports. Daegon knew she was forming her own opinion and understanding, but she had so far kept her findings to herself. "There was...something else" Treyton's voice shook slightly. Daegon looked up from the desk he was sitting at in the makeshift study, and eyebrow raised but face otherwise blank. Trixa flicked her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward in the chair she was in by the window "Continue" he growled. Treyton swallowed nervously "As you had instructed we have been monitoring the outskirts of the city more closely. As we had been coming back to swap with the next patrol, the sun had already set as we left the boarder" Daegon sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest "We heard a loud explosion somewhere in the city. We were about to discard it as the humans and their destructive nature when we saw a...vampire" Daegon's eyes narrowed. Trixa stood suddenly at that information; it would be the first sighting of a vampire in almost four years "We are aware that the city is infested with the bloodfiends, but that doe-" "This was not a bloodfiend Alpha" Treyton cut Daegon off "I mean no disrespect my King, but I have fought enough of those twisted creatures to know the difference" Daegon closed his mouth with a snap "What was it doing?" Trixa asked, coming to lean against the desk Daegon was sitting at "Male? female? Did it look hungry, or starved?" Treyton turned his attention to the Aura "Male, dark hair, strange older looking clothing. He looked well fed, his eyes practically glowed which I'm assuming means he fed recently. He just stood there, smiling at us before disappearing" Trixa looked away, taking in that information "It did not attack?" "No, he didn't seem troubled or threatened by our presence" "When was this?" Daegon demanded "The night before last" the Alpha stood abruptly, his anger spiking "You waited a whole day and a half before informing me?" he growled. Treyton shrunk slightly under his Alpha's power, but swallowed again and continued, knowing he was treading a thin line "Again I mean no disrespect my King, but no one, including Trixa, was even allowed to speak to you yesterday. You were troubled by the flux in the Aura powers and ordered to not be disturbed" Daegon shut his mouth again with a snap. He seemed to be floundering lately, without any answer as to why. He pinched the bridge of his nose "Has there been any sighting since?" Trixa stepped forward, her eyes bright as she inspected the beta. Treyton gave her a worried look but answered "No, however we sighted a group this morning at the edge of the city, they were noticed last night before the patrol had come home, Blayde and myself picked up in the morning when the group emerged, they appeared to be heading further in. Male, female and a...pup" "Human offspring are called children Treyton, not pups" "I know" his words seemed to echo around the room "I caught the scent of Lycan, but it was strange, not like our pack" he added "What did you feel?" Trixa asked, her excitement now buzzing through the pack link "I felt...a power like nothing we've seen before" his words were quiet, but they held immense weight. Trixa turned and stared at her Alpha, eyes hard and mouth set in a thin line. "Could you tell where the power was coming from?" Treyton shook his head "They were to far away to distinguish who had powers" Trixa clicked her tongue in annoyance "Have you seen this group before?" Daegon asked "The female I have seen...once" Daegon raised an eyebrow "It was over a year ago, before going closer to the city had been prohibited. She was scavenging a few buildings when attacked by a scouting party of Vargulfs" "How can you be sure it's the same woman?" "Because she fought with a ferocity that looked more intimidating that yours, my King" Daegon stared at his Beta for a moment, allowing that statement to sink in "Daegon, please, she could b-" "If you so much as utter the word mate again Trixa, I will have you locked up for a month and de-ranked" He snapped harshly, his anger getting the better of him. Trixa shut her mouth with a snap, glaring at her Alpha. Daegon turned his burning gaze back to his Beta when a sharp pain shot through his chest, causing the wind to rush from his lungs and legs to wobble. He steadied himself with the desk he was at, hearing both Trixa and Treyton call his name, but all he could hear was the blood pounding in his ears. His palms began to sweat, heart beating frantically against his chest and his lungs refused to let enough air in. His head swooned and Daegon swore he could hear someone shouting orders, but the voice didn't belong to anyone he recognised. Somewhere deep in his mind Daegon's wolf let out a long howl, a sound he had never heard before but felt it in his core "Mate" the word was ground out through Daegon's teeth before he could stop it, surprising both Trixa and Treyton. "Soooo...Does the locking up and de-ranking apply to you or...just me?" Trixa jested lightly. Letting out a grunt Daegon stood tall, eyes hard and face blank as he stared at his healer and friend, her eyes understanding what her King was feeling "She's in trouble" it was a statement, not a question. "Gather the elite. We enter the city in an hour" he commanded. Treyton bowed before racing from the room. Daegon didn't understand the feeling that was washing over him, his tight chest and sudden anger mixed in with...concern? Trixa was practically bouncing with excitement, her emotions stabbing through Daegon in a strange way. She reached out with her magic and examined the strange emotions her Alpha was having, sucking in a sharp breath when she was pushed back suddenly "You are feeling what she feels, whatever happened two days ago has heightened your ability to sense and feel your mate. She may have a strong Aura ability" she explained, proding him again, but Daegon pushed her powers away. Humans couldn't have Aura powers, which meant she may be from their world. "Let's forget for a moment humans are unable to access our power. Could that ripple in the Aura power be connected to my mate?" his question was one Trixa had been working on for the past day. Ever since that explosion of power her own had been slightly more stable since Nerezza had syphoned some of it almost four years ago, as if something greater had been awoken. "Possibly. The past few weeks things have shifted, within the Aura power and in the city" Daegon raised an eyebrow "You cannot assume what might have changed in the city in only a few days" Trixa gave a small shrug as she pulled her hair over her shoulder and began braiding it "I often perch on a building on the boarder and observe the city, since my Aura is no longer what it use to be I cannot see far" Daegon's face went blank; she had been defying his orders for months now "You push very thin lines Trixa, if anyone else knew of your disrespect I would have to make an example out of you, regardless of whether you are my friend or not" he growled, seeing her flinch "I know, which is why I kept quiet. But not knowing what was happening with that city was far more dangerous then what you would do to me if you found out" she finished braiding her hair and flicked it over her shoulder, crossing her arms over her chest. Again she was right, Daegon had been so focused on keeping his pack alive and securing a safe base he had not thought of the uncertainty of not monitoring the city "You would have made an excellent Luna" he mumbled before he could stop himself. Trixa shrugged again "Luckily I do not wish for that title. The responsibility it brings seems so...boring" a smile tugged at Daegon's mouth at that "Plus I see you as my brother, it would have just been weird and gross" she laughed. "Trixa" Daegon's voice was quiet now "When we find her, I will reject her" Trixa let out an irritated huff "And that's where I think you are wrong. You view this bond as black and white, as if its an easy task to reject someone who is literally your other half" "You don't have a mate Trixa, how would you know how it feels?" she raised en eyebrow at her Alpha "I didn't study at that damn academy and not read up on how the mate bond works. Normal Lycans and werewolves with their mate bond is one thing. But when one or both is an Aura is something else entirely. It's intertwined with our magic, its older than our species and more powerful than we could imagine. I think I have more of an understanding than you do" giving Daegon and small nudge with her elbow Trixa left to prepare for their journey into the city to find her King's mate. ~*~ Daegon clenched his fists as his eyes stared at the distant city, face blank and body unmoving. The uneasy feeling in his chest had been growing rapidly, with a sting of pain over his body every now and again until he felt a power surge, the ripple felt in the ground under his feet. He glanced over at Trixa, her worried eyes flicking from his face to the city. "Are they ready?" their Alpha demanded. Treyton appeared in front of Daegon, standing to attention and face blank "Yes Alpha" Daegon's eyes quickly flickered through the group his Beta had assembled, many were from his elite team back home. Trixa was also standing by and from the look on her face she was ready for a fight with her Alpha "You stay Trixa" He growled. He watched as she frowned at him, but did not move. A low growl rumbled through Daegon's chest at the defiance "Do not disobey" his voice was like ice and many around the Lycan King shrunk in obedience "I am coming to find our Luna, my King" Trixa pushed back, using the formality to appeal to his good side. He felt his eyes twitch, any time she used a formal title always felt more like a jest than respect. No one around them moved as they waited for their King to respond "If you wish for me to stay behind, then you will need to lock me up and de-rank me" she challenged. He felt the sensation in his chest worsen; he didn't have time for this. He knew he had to find his Luna before the Dark Aura, but he couldn't let the insubordination slide either "You will keep to the back, do not engage. If any of the pack members are injured your healing powers will be needed" he instructed. He turned and pulled his wolf forward, feeling his powers surge through his limbs as the world around him heightened. Sounds became sharp and precise, the smell of food and flowers bombarding his nose as the hairs on his body prickled with every breath of wind that brushed past. He hadn't shifted in weeks. He didn't realise how much he would miss this part of himself, the part that felt free and unrestrained while in this wild and untamed form. Daegon mentally checked his pack before leaping forward, his large and powerful legs propelling him through the forest and towards the city. The smell of decay and death filled his nose, causing the hairs on his hackles to stand on end as they raced into the strange streets. Life had slowly started to reclaim the human city, trees growing from the cracks in the ground, vines slowly winding their way up the tall and imposing buildings. But it hadn't eradicated the stench of the bloodfiends and Vargulfs that still inhabited the place. The small stings Daegon had felt earlier started to intensify, like cuts that couldn't be seen; he knew this was the mate bond, her pain was his pain and right now she was in danger. His noise picked up the scent of a large group of Vargulfs, their screams now could be heard as something cut them down. The scent of the Vargulfs alpha caught the attention of Treyton "My king, the alpha is near. If we kill him his pack will be greatly weakened. This could be used to our advantage" "Our Luna is our priority!" Trixa cried, her frustration resonating through the pack. "Even if we find her in time, with the amount of Vargulfs that are in this area it could be to late!" Treyton argued back, his logic overtaking his emotions "Our best way to help protect and find our King's Luna, is to draw the attention of every Vargulf in the area" Trixa huffed, knowing he was right. A sharp pain shot through Daegon's ankle, causing him to stumble. The pact slowled as Daegon righted himself and glanced around. If they were going to meet this pack head on, they needed the element of surprise "Track its scent, we come from downwind. I will not take losses today and will abandon this mission if needed" Daegon commanded, Treyton bounding away before his King had finished speaking. A few moments later Treyton called through the pack link; he found the alpha. Rushing forward Daegon let out a long howl, one that was laced with power and command. He knew the Vargulfs would be drawn to him unwillingly. As His pack raced through the streets he caught the scent of the alpha himself, drawing on his powers he felt his other pack members to the same, Trixa hanging back slightly as she had been instructed. Leaping over the roof of a small building Daegon sank his claws into the unsuspecting Vargulf, slicing through the beast like butter. The creature let out a surprised gurgle before falling to the ground dead. His pack attacked the unsuspecting beasts, ripping through them with ease. The ground beneath began to shake as the remaining vargulfs advanced on Daegon and his pack. Daegon looked around for the Alpha and saw him atop a building, shifting from foot to foot as they annihilated his pack. A wave of exhaustion ripped through his body, indicating his mate was badly wounded, his chest tightened in fear and shock, hackles standing on end as an unexplainable emotion rippled through his Lycan form. In his mind Daegon heard his wolf howl in triumph, knowing his fated mate was close by. A howl of pain stilled the air, causing every Lycan, werewolf and Vargulf to freeze, Daegon's pack all turning in unison to the direction of an alleyway. Pain exploded in Daegon's shoulder as his eyes locked with the figure of a woman being dragged away by a Vargulf. A blood curdling scream pierced the air, raw power laced through the sound. It was commanding, and overwhelming to the point Daegon's entire pack was moving towards the woman. He watched in horror as she gathered an unexplainable, and impossible, amount of Aura power to the point her hands were visably glowing with the intense amount of Raw power this woman had. And it was about to explode. Just like it would have in the same way his and Trixa's would have when they combined their powers. He shot forward, if his pack were to reach the woman first they would die. His intent was to destroy the human, but with every step closer he felt that strange and compelling feeling grow in his chest until his wolf practically took over. Without a thought Daegon ripped the Vargulf from the woman's shoulder and sliced the beast in two, a snarl leaving his lips at the thought of this disgusting creature touching her. Daegon released his wolf form and crouched down, noting the glazed over look in the woman's eyes, that strange glow now up to her shoulder as the immense power teetered on total destruction. He reached out and turned her eyes to his, a bolt of electricity shooting up his arm the moment his skin came into contact with hers. He saw her eyes widen, almost like recognition yet he had never seen this woman before. "Enough woman." his voice was low, powerful and commanding. Her eyes went wide as her powers slipped away, bowing to his authority. He watched as her eyes glazed over again, pain rippling through his body as the toxins in this woman's body spread quickly and freely. The wounds that covered her body began to open and blood flowed freely, and Daegon sensed it was because of her powers retreating. He caught her in his arms and picked the women up, only now feeling that she was human. Treyton walked over to his King, now in human form, the breeze brushing his naked body as his eyes flicked to the woman laying limp in Alpha Daegon's arms, who had turned her head slightly towards the movement. Most humans would have surcumbed to the exhaustion and pain he could feel she was in, yet she looked at Treyton almost with defiance. Interesting. "Is she a witch? Should be dispose of her?" an overwhelming sense of protection washed over Daegon at the thought of anyone harming this woman. A low and deep rumbled emanated from his King's chest, the power stilling Treyton when he felt like he had crossed a line "Mine" Daegon growled, his voice again deep and commanding. He felt the woman's heart quicken at that statement. "But...alpha..." Treyton started, confused, only to be cut off with another deep growl. This couldn't be their Luna...could it? Even Treyton could sense she was a human. Daegon could feel Trixa frantically searching the area nearby, obviously looking for what he already held in his arms. "Her wounds are laced with poison, bring me Trixa, I will need her healing abilities" Daegon felt the woman shift her head slightly back to stare up at him, her eyes half closed as she fought to stay awake. He felt the strange power that swirled beneath the surface, it felt similar to his own Aura, yet completely different, more wild, almost untamed. And practically limitless. "Strange" he mumbled, almost to himself, feeling her powers ebb away until they were almost non-existent. He would find out who this woman was, and if she was his Luna then he would reject her shortly after gaining the information he needed. But strangley the thought left a sour taste in his mouth, chest swirling with uncertainty at the prospect of rejecting her. That had never happened before. Daegon turned to go find Trixa, feeling the woman shift under his hands and arms as if protesting. He felt anguish shoot through his chest, followed by something close to regret. "Roh...nan" her voice was barely a whisper, but the mans name that left her soft lips caused him to tense in shock and anger. Her body went completely limp as she slipped into sleep. Trixa appeared in front of Daegon, human form and eyes glowing, the air crackling around her in excitement "Anyone would think this was your mate" he mumbled. A small smile tugged at her mouth before she looked up at her King "I see you are still standing, meaning you have not yet rejected her" Daegon gave her a glare at the jab of weakness that rejecting the bond would knock him down "Aside from the fact she is unconscious, I could not tell if she is my mate or not" "And yet you feel something, don't you?" her question was quiet. Daegon just stared at the healer without answering "Her body is flooded with the Vargulfs poison, more than I have ever seen someone survive" he answered instead, keeping to himself that she had powers. The human world had never been able to access the Aura, their world separated from the flow. He needed to find out who she was and how she was able to access the their powers before making assumptions. Trixa reached out and inspected the woman with her Aura, sucking in a sharp breath when she felt how close to death she was "She's strong, I must give her that. She is fighting to stay alive" Trixa laid one hand on the woman's head, and the other over her heart, before pouring a large amount of Aura power into the woman. After a few moments Trixa slumped and stepped back "I have done what I can to stop her from slipping to a place I cannot retrieve her from. I need to get her back to base with my herbs to completely heal the wounds" she instructed. She eyed her King "Will you manage?" Daegon frowned at the healer but said nothing as he started off in a sprint back towards their base.
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