Chapter 17: Sacred scent

1575 Words

A painful smile crept on my lips as I remember those happy times with her parents over lunch. Our exchange of laughter and stories as we eat together. The feeling of being one of them as a human for that day had unexplainable achievement. Even though it's kind of uncomfortable and sensitive to our tummy. “You should eat more son, ” her father offers some steamed potato and position them on my plate, “It's applicable for your health as a man.” he chuckles, “Even you Uly, eat them with this apple syrup. You are good looking too like your cousin Asa.” Ulysses was almost strangled by the water that he was drinking from his glass. He is trying to swallow the leafy vegetables that Gee's mother had put on his plate. “Take it easy Uly, ” her mother turned to him again with a broad smile, “You d

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