Chapter 3: Find her

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I have not been out of the forest for almost a month since I saw my parents here in human form. I just stayed in the cave, wandering around, while remembering the days that passed in my past life with them. Not only that, I could still feel the sadness and longing for the two of them. Day and night, I always thought and wish that hopefully, they are like me, who survived and living their reasonable existence. Each day I climb a tree, listening to the noise of the world around me. In the evening, I crouched out of the cave, gawking at the creatures who roam around like me—looking for something to eat or maybe looking for their faction. I immediately hunted the deer that I saw wandering quietly, not far away, from me. When it saw me moving towards its side, it also strode as hastily as it could, striving to flee from my velocity. However, I did not let it go, besides that, I am so thirsty, and I also liked to drink its tasty fresh blood. It has been a long time since I drank this kind of blood. I always gulp the blood of wild boar, tiny birds, and forfeited chickens from the mortal village. Later, after I dripped and sip their blood, I will lay to rest their corpse that was not even having a small drop of blood, in low ground, near the bank of the stream. Swiftly I grabbed him on his two limbs. He attempted to flee, but I didn’t allow it. I clasped him tightly and did not let him go even he was screaming for help. Along with its loud whine for use, I saw in my mind the vicious recollection of my unforgettable past. “Father, I already know how to hunt a deer!” I exclaimed as I showed him the most precious animal that I caught in the forest, “Look, his fresh blood looks delicious!” He glanced at me and nodded. I was in my twenties, in our race is still considered as their young vampire prince. I was still ignorant and doesn’t know much about the trend of our lineage. “Good job, Prince Asa...” my mother mumbled while she is continuously caressing my hair. She is with her usual get-up, black and long red dress, red paint nails, and red lipstick, with her classy and significant posture. “Now, you can savor his blood as a reward for the strength you have shown us.” I throw a meaningful glance at Ulysses that standing by my side. He is clasping the wild boar on his feet, which he also caught. It was one of those days when we were taught to hunt and find food in the vast forest. Even I am their Prince; I’d still need to learn it. I grinned sadly as I recalled that previous day. I caressed the shaky neck of the deer that I squeezed for several times as I gazed at the distant absence of the forest. Not only that, right now, I want to show my mother this healthy and precious giant deer that I caught. I want to brag about it to them. Even this time around, it’s too late to do that because they won’t be with me anymore. “Stay still; it’s almost done...” I mumbled while taking a deep breath. Moments later, without a doubt, I buried my two pointed fangs in his neck. His cry started to fade when he felt extreme pain. I wrapped my two barely hands on his body tightly. I have no plans to let him run. Likewise, I unhurriedly sucked his tasty blood towards my thirsty throat. Slowly my tears dripped down on my face, along with the loss of my intense thirst. I miss them so much, my parents. The light of the round yellow moon in the distant sky was cold. Pale clouds scattered around it. His light continued to penetrate the forest; it’s tirelessly kissed it. For others, it was calm and peaceful around, but for me, it wasn’t quiet. I could hear every crackle in the forests—extreme movement of strutting branches of trees and leaves in the way of a gentle breeze. It is at half past midnight. The whole area was clear to my eyes. I could see the animals walking around as if they were strolling around the ranch. I am looking for a place to hide in those crucial times. I was still gazing at the moon while half of the world tinted by his moonlight, darkness, and sadness. My buttocks are leaning against the rock. I was almost done gulping the deer’s blood. And I also laid to rest his pale body in the ground. Tonight is like the night when our kingdom destroyed it can hear the loud barking of hounds in the distant grasslands. Ulysses and I were inside the vast forest, looking for the cave that is the main discussion of our kingdom. Still, we didn’t see the cave even we are in the middle of the forest. When we found it, we heard a tremendous scream outside the jungle; it came from the individual in our kingdom. It was the voice of our fellow vampires asking us for help. The only difference that night tonight was the sky. Thick clouds were surrounding the full moon. It has no light where we inhale the extraordinary stability. “What’s going on?” Ulysses and I asked each other. We hear the screams of vampires and the youngsters of vampires and the lamentations of the fighters and their spouses who have lost their lives. They were begging for help and forgiveness as they perish. Enemies squealed to shoot our race while laughing at the blasphemers who wanted to destroy our kingdom. “In our kingdom!” I yelled. We promptly ran out of the forest, even though we had not yet fully reached and entered the door of our planned cave. “Father! Mother!” I screamed as we ran out of the forest. No matter how far I am from them, I knew they would hear my voice when I yelled. That is the connection between the three of us. But tonight, it’s different. They did not answer. “Father! Mother!” I cried out again as I rapidly moved out of the forest. We were greeted by the households of our lineage that were consumed by the enormous fuming flame. Vampires are running back and forth, seeking their safety, holding their kids, dragging the wives and comrades who were accidentally wounded by the fire. Sobbing, continually asking for forgiveness from our shattered kingdom. “Ulysses, let’s split up!” I mumbled. He looked at me with a shock. “But Prince Asa--” “Please show them the way to the cave!” I instantly cut him off, “Save them, Ulysses. I will find out where my parents are. After I found them, we will follow you there. Do not halt until there is still a path that can be walked, and it can be our protection too. Let’s meet there later! “ “Prince Asa--” “That’s my order, Ulysses!” He took an intense breath and nod. A few moments he reached the group of women who were stomping on their feet to retreat. I whirled my back to them, hastily running towards our kingdom that half of it was also consumed by the raging tongue of flame. The environment was smoky. I could still glimpse at the peaceful plains of mortals as I ran. Do they know what is happening to our clan now? Maybe not, because they were asleep while we are fighting to our own grave. “Father?! Mother?!” I squealed when I came inside, running at the entrance of our kingdom, “Where are you? Please, answer me!” Our fighters scattered in the ground, with sharp arrows pricked to their chest, their heart is located without a beat. That is one of our weaknesses, and our life could be ended when it hits our heart, which is the center of our life. At that moment, I already knew who was at fault and did it to our clan. It was the group of mortal hunters that recently rejected by Father and Mother, who offer the agreements. They want to hunt in the forest with our hunter. Half of the latter will go to them, something that Father did not allow to happen first because that is our leading food. Because of that animal blood, our clan continues to live. Second, our family owns the forest when the group of mortal hunters was not alive yet. “All right, if you don’t want to agree on this agreement...” I heard a threat in the tone of their leader, “We will just make way for us to catch more animals than your hunters will get!” Their group came out of our kingdom, still looking bitterly where my parents are still standing. It was only then that I realized that they had a horrible plan from the beginning. “Perhaps it won’t cause any trouble, does it, King Heavier?” Mother asked him with a stain of fear in her voice. “Don’t be frightened, Queen Selma. They have no endurance compared to our vampires.” “They have arrows. That’s one of our weakness sides.” my mother insisted, “When it whacks us in the heart, that is the hint of our last tremble and our last breath, Heavier.” “We can still run fast with them,” he joked and laughed, “They can’t beat us, Selma.” Something that I used to believe before, but now why is it like this? Our kingdom being eaten by fire and by the actions of mortal hunters who are greedy for all possessions. I know that we are defeated by them now. “Prince A-Asa...” “Arma!” I rapidly approached him. He is one of our fighters lying on the ground, with a bow in his chest, he was slowly losing his life, but he is still trying to speak. I squatted in front of him, trying to listen to what he is about to say. “Prince Asa... Sorry, I can no longer protect and save our King and Queen. They are inside the room...with the hunters...your room Prince Asamael.” “Arma, what do you mean?” He puked blood, one of the signs that his body is already giving up. It was a sign that he can no longer be alive. He raised his one hand, I held it tightly. I feel awful. The anger felt for mortals is thriving and accumulating in my mind. “Hurry them...before the opposing Lycans arrive...or else...just run...away...P-Prince Asa...” He was almost out of breath, and I closed my eyes as he closed his eyes. When I opened it, I saw his ashes spewed to the hot, smoky, full of pain and the sad breeze that made my tears fall. I immediately stood up, rapidly running into the kingdom. I don’t mind the fire. I don’t care about the parts of the house that are falling and destroyed now. “Father! Mother!” I yelled as my tears continue to well. Up to this day, I loathe them, but I never once asked them to vanish. I did not wish that they assassinate my beloved woman in vengeance. Still, I cannot approve that their lives will end because of this. I halted running up to the smokey stairs when I heard Mother’s faint voice in my mind. “Prince Asa...” “Mother... Father and I will save you.” “You run away...get away from here, Prince Asa...” I shook my head, again and again. I would not do that. I won’t leave them here, alone. “I will not leave your mother...I will not run away if I am not with you...” “Maybe in our next life we can be together again... I love you, my Prince...forgive your Father and me for stealing your happiness. I apologize, Prince is my fault, the death of your beloved woman, whose name is Gee. It was my wrongdoing.” My tears flowed down from my cheeks. “Mother! Please don’t do this to me! Don’t say that!” “Prince Asamael...” it was my Father’s weak voice. Like my mother, it was fainting. “You have to run, save yourself...while our mortal enemies and Lycans are still busy...” “No, Father, you need to come with me with--” He did not answer; I heard loud laughter coming from my room. I quickly ran upstairs, trying hard to avoid the parts of our kingdom that were constantly falling. Before I could finally kick the door of my room, I felt a tight grip on my arm. I find it’s Ulysses, panting. He shook his head repeatedly as tears and sadness welled up in her eyes. “We need to get out of here. We can do nothing for the fate of your parents.” “I will not leave them here!” “You ran away, Prince need to run away while there was still time..” my mother said even more weakly, “Please go.” I removed Ulysses hands that are holding my arms, my teeth and fangs start clenching. “Come on, Prince Asa, we need to go!” Ulysses dragged me out. “Let’s save them. Let’s try to save them, Ulysses!” I begged. He looked at me sadly. We saw through the transparent glass window the arrival of the Lycans outside our kingdom. They were hungry and greedily! “I want to do the same, but Prince Asa, it is impossible.” he shook his head. Sadness is written on his face. “The leader of the group of mortals caught them. They poisoned the arrow that was buried in their body. And that thing is slowly killing them. What are we going to do then? Your safety is their only wish for you, Prince Asa!” “Father, Mother! Fight back, please! You always said that we were stronger than anyone else, but how come they captured the two of you?!” I cried in despair, “Why are they abusing and beating us like this?!” The intense explosion shook our entire kingdom; Ulysses quickly pulled me and dragged me out of our realm. My tears flowed unceasingly, like on the day of my woman’s death. “We will meet again...we will look for you in case we have another chance Prince Asamael...we love you, our only vampire prince...we love you very much...” I heard them continually in my mind as Ulysses and I run in slow motion out of our kingdom into the dark forest. I look back to where my parents were, to our domain that was slowly deteriorating and falling apart. “Find your happiness Prince Asa...find your woman...” my Father said. I can imagine his impression right now. “Find Gee, find her even if you need to search the whole world, find your mortal woman...and when that happens, we apologize to her. Only then our vampire soul of your mother will rest in peace. It is now saying goodbye in a quiet place. “ I heard a loud cry from them. Before the kingdom, we lived for thousands of years of our ancestors and our entire clan, eventually collapsed and exploded. “Father! Mother!” We entered the forest, which I thought was the road to our safety. But I was wrong; that was still the first step of the hunters to finally destroy us. “I miss you, my Queen Selma... my King best friend and buddy, Ulysses...” I stood up, gently wiping my face that full of tears with the palm of my hand. I do not know if my Father requests that I find Gee that pushed me to go to this place. The place where the two of them existed too, where the vampires in our kingdom here are born to be like mortal. I don’t know if that was the real reason that I got lost in this vast forest and a small village named Racama where I was.
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