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We all went into the living room, and it almost felt like old times. We talked for most of the night, mainly about things happening back home. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end in my life, and Dean made me go to my room and get some sleep. I didn’t sleep for too long before I woke up to another nightmare. I got up and went to the kitchen, looking over at a peaceful Colin asleep on our couch on the way. After I got a glass of water, I headed into Dean’s room. He was asleep as well. He never knew if I would go to sleep next to him, so he always stayed on the right side of the bed just in case. I pulled the blankets back and slid in next to him. Out of habit, he rolled over and wrapped me in his arms. “I’ve got you, Evie, everything is okay,” he whispered. He placed a kiss on my forehead and started snoring once again. I looked at his face; he looked relaxed. Ever since I developed these feelings for Dean, I always wondered if he had caught feelings for me, but I was never sure how to ask him or even talk to him about it. I thought he would be angry or upset with me for feeling this way. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep. The next morning, I woke up and Dean was already gone and at work like every morning. I took out my phone and called Ozzy. When the call was answered, Zac was on the other end, and I froze. I wasn’t sure what to do; I hated that Ozzy left his phone where others could easily get to it. “Ivy, is that you?” Zac asked. “Um … No, my name is Evie. I would like to speak to Ozzy if possible.” “Are you his girlfriend?” “Oh my God, no,” I shouted in disgust. “Then there is no reason for you to be in his phone as Ivy unless you’re Ivy,” he replied. My brother was never the best at hiding things. “Hello Baby Girl, how are you?” I let out a sigh. “Fine, you caught me and I’m fine. Can I talk to Ozzy, please?” “When are you coming home?” “Who said I was?” I asked. I didn’t want people to know I was going home. “You’re going to be staying at my house. Ozzy and I talked about it. With my parents always trying to run from me, I have room for you, so don’t try and play me.” “I’m not sure yet,” I replied. I didn’t mind living with Zac; he was a very carefree person and someone that I knew would let me do my own thing. “He had not told me that I was staying with you yet. Can I speak with Ozzy?” “It’s weird not seeing you around,” he replied, ignoring my request. “I wish I were there; it sucks here. I miss my friends and family.” “Does that include me?” “Are you my friend?” I asked. “No, not really. I consider myself the annoying best friend of the brother and you are the annoying little sister. I miss you though,” he replied, which shocked me. “Wow, that is something I never thought I would hear from you.” “Yeah … well, if you tell anyone, I will deny it.” “Wait, wait, what do you miss most about me?” I asked jokingly while giggling. “Don’t push your luck, Baby Girl. You won’t like the answer.” He laughed. “So, where did they take you?” “I can’t tell you that.” I heard a huff over the phone. Zac sounded upset. I wasn’t sure why. “I want to see you. Is that possible?” I was clueless as to why Zac wanted to see me. He had never acted like this towards me. “I’m sorry, but Joseph will have your head and mine if I tell you where I am.” “Who is Joseph?” “My bodyguard in a way.” “Evie, where are you?” I heard Colin’s voice shout from the living room. I shouted that I would be out in a minute. “I’m sorry, Zac, I have to go,” I said. “Please call back when you get the chance,” he replied quickly. I hung up and walked into the living room, taking a seat next to Colin on the couch. “Are you hungry?” “Maybe, did you get better at cooking?” he asked jokingly. “Yes,” I replied, punching his shoulder. “Really? Alright.” I got up and went to make something to eat. After cooking, we went to the living room and started watching TV. Colin handed me a piece of paper; it had the name of a hotel on it and his phone number, written really big of course. He was still upset I hadn’t called him all this time. “I booked you this hotel last night. I got tickets for you for the bus as well. One bus will get you halfway there; then you will go to the hotel, sleep for the night, and catch the next one in the morning. Do you understand?” “Yes, thank you, Colin.” “I don’t want you walking around alone. Off the bus, into the hotel, on the bus, home. That is all. No going to get food, no talking to people, nothing.” “I understand, Colin. I promise you don’t have to worry.” “Too late for that,” he replied with a huff. “You could ride back with me if you want.” “No, you need to get home. I need time to secretly say goodbye to Joe. After you being here, you know he is going to figure out that you helped me.” “Better I help you and know that you’re safe than you go out there without a plan.” “I agree, thank you. Also, for keeping it quiet.” We finished eating, and it was time for Colin to leave again. He got ready for his drive home. I watched in tears. I was going to see him again soon, but I didn’t feel like we had gotten enough time together. “Evie, please stop crying. You’re going to make it hard to leave,” he said. He pulled me into a hug and tried to kiss me. I pulled away; I wasn’t going to cross the line I set for myself. He looked hurt, but he had a girlfriend. “Please don’t make that face, Colin. Remember you have a girl back home. Ozzy told me about her and said she was sweet. I don’t want to be that type of woman,” I said. He nodded. “I had to try something, and yes, she is really nice. I will see you soon,” he replied. He let me go and walked out of the house. I ran to the window, watched him get into the car, and he drove away. More tears poured out of my eyes, but I was happy knowing that I had everything I needed to get home. Colin finished the planning for me. The thought of leaving Dean without a word hit me like a ton of bricks. I wished I could tell him, but he would stop me. He would find it dangerous to go home. I gave into him a lot, but I couldn’t this time; I had to leave him behind. I just prayed that he would forgive me. I feared that my feelings for him would become stronger the longer I stayed with him. At least back home I would be living with someone else and forcing myself to see him as I once had.
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