
1823 Words

Orabelle spent the rest of her day in the room, dreading her situation and reading the books that she took form Haestus' office. She was trying her best to distract herself from thinking too much about him. Her feelings were steadily growing for him which scared and perplexed her. It had never happened with her before. It took more for her to feel attracted to a man. Haestus didn't need to put much effort into sowing seeds of desire in her for him. A part of her hated him for this. Meanwhile, Haestus left the wing for work. This time he made sure that the door was well locked. The incident was replaying all the time in his head. Her words hurt him more than she could ever imagine. It pained him. He felt disgusted with himself. Several times that day he bit back the urge to go to her and

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