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He laid bare on his bed. The moonlight sneaked in through the huge window before falling on him. His arms were folded by his head as he rested it on his hands. He was laying wide awake, waiting for sleep to greet him goodnight but it didn't come. The moonlight danced on his glorious body. The sheets went up to his abdomen only, leaving the upper part of his body exposed to the night air. His eyes were closed as he tried to sink into the darkness and find sleep but no matter how much he chased it, he was never able to catch it. He was constantly being chased by Orabelle's thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about her. She was on his mind all the time ever since he got that vision. Even though she was in his wing, probably sleeping in one of the rooms near him, he still missed her. His existence yearned for her presence. He was enchanted by her the moment he saw her in real. The sparks when they touched, her doe-like hazel eyes framed by thick eyelashes held him captive. Her soft lips pressed against his, her soft body pressed against his hard one – he was already addicted to her. The sight of her wearing his oversized clothes was also a major turn-on for him. As soon as he remembered how she looked without any clothes, lust flooded into him. All the blood instantly rushed to his manhood, making it hard. It begged to be surrounded by her walls as he'd thrust inside her. He was getting harder as lustful thoughts started to invade his mind. He had to get up when his throbbing had turned painful. He wanted to release pretty badly so, it didn't take him long to head towards the bathroom where he could either turn to cold water for some relief or stroke his hardness. By the way, his manhood throbbed, he was going to do the latter. It didn't take him long to release. Just the thoughts of him entering the juncture between her creamy thighs while he bit into her neck with his hands on her soft breasts had him cuming soon. He took a cold shower to cool his hot body down. His manhood still throbbed between his legs but now it was somewhat bearable. After he stepped out of the bathroom, he returned to his bed and waited for sleep but still, it didn't come so he decided to head to his office and get some things done. He crossed the hallway to her room on his way to his office. It took all the self-control in him to not go to her room and beg her to help him sleep. He wanted to just hold her as they'd lay in darkness. He wanted to whisper secrets into her ear that he never told anyone. He wanted to be drowned in her intoxicating scent. He wanted to kiss her and tell her how much she meant to him. He wanted to do many things but he couldn't. Not yet. His body ached for her presence. He wasn't satisfied with her response when he had said goodnight to her. She just disappeared into the room and closed the door on him when she should have been in his arms, kissing him back as he kissed her passionately. He groaned as her thoughts invaded his mind again. It was becoming frustrating for him. She was there but still, she wasn't. He wanted this phase to end soon. He sighed deeply as his feet carried him to his office. He sank deeper into his chair as he turned his attention to the stacks and stacks of papers on the table in front of him. A look of irking covered his face as he started his work. He didn't leave his office until the young rays of early morning sunlight found him slugged in his chair, lost in the papers that laid in front of him on the table. It was morning and there was still no trace of sleep. His body was tired but he couldn't rest. He decided to get himself some coffee as he rose from his seat and left his office. With a scowl on his face, he entered the kitchen. Meanwhile, Orabelle was up. It was only the early hours of the morning and her stomach was begging her to put something in it since last night she didn't have dinner properly. It took her some time to find her way to the kitchen. When she stepped inside, she was expecting it to be empty but instead of that, she was met with Haestus' bareback as he made himself a cup of coffee. Her breath got stuck at the sight of his muscled back. His trousers hung low on his hips. She wasn't expecting to be blessed with such a wonderful sight early in the morning. Her mind didn't take long to rust her thoughts with lust. The air buzzed with electricity whenever they were around each other. So, Haestus stiffened up as soon as he felt the change in air. He looked over his shoulder and found Orabelle standing dumbstruck at the kitchen door. "Good morning, Orabelle." He greeted her mindlessly. He had forgotten that he wasn't wearing anything. Also, he wasn't aware of the effect his bareback was having on her. She somehow managed to snap out her daze and nodded at him as she carefully took her steps towards the kitchen island. "Good morning," She spoke softly while peering at his glorious body through her eyelashes. She had never seen a man like him. He managed to make her feel things that she had never before. "Would you like some coffee?" He asked as he reached for the cups placed on the shelves above. Orabelle watched with her mouth open as his back muscles flexed while he took a cup down. Her eyes ran all over him, taking in all his glory. Her hands ached to run them over him and feel his muscles. All of a sudden, she wanted to be in his arms and have everything that he had to offer. "Orabelle?" He called for her when she hadn't answered him. She sat up straight, snapping out of her daze. "Huh, yes." She answered as she shook her head and rubbed her eyes wishing that he wouldn't notice the lust in them. "Very well," He nodded as he took down another cup and poured coffee in it. He took the cups and headed over to the kitchen island where Orabelle was already sitting. For the first time since she entered the kitchen, he finally took in her appearance. She was wearing one of the nightgowns that had been delivered to her room last night. Her chestnut brown hair fell over shoulder hair smoothly as it descended do her waist. She looked beautiful even though she happened to have just crawled out of her bed a few moments ago. "Thanks," She muttered as he placed her coffee cup before her and took a seat. She looked down at her coffee when it was becoming too much to maintain his heated gaze. He noticed how she diverted her gaze from his. His eyes were set on her as he raised the coffee cup and took a sip from it. "Did you sleep well last night?" He asked carefully. The way his deep voice rumbled, it made the butterflies in her stomach flutter their wings angrily. Last night was hard for him and he wished that he wouldn't have to go through more nights like that. "Yes, thank you." She answered as she took the coffee cup and raised it towards her lips. "So, what bought you in the kitchen at this hour?" He finally asked. She chose to finally look at him. It took her a lot of control on herself to not look down at his toned body. It was all she wanted to do all day- just stare at him. His body looked like it had been cut from stone and sculpted by a very skilled sculptor. He was beautiful. "Breakfast?" She asked. She kept her eyes trained to his. She squeezed her legs shut when she felt her stomach tighten. It was getting hard for her to stay composed with him like that. "What would you like to have?" He asked while he took another sip from the coffee cup with his eyes on her. She looked like a goddess in the morning. He couldn't wait to wake up with her like that. "What's in the kitchen?" She asked as she looked past him. It was getting hard for her to think straight. Her hands were clenched in fists when she saw how his hair was messed. She wanted to run her fingers through his blond hair so much. Suddenly, she hated the distance that sat between them. She wanted to be close to him. Haestus noticed how she was trying to not look at him. Then suddenly, the realization dawned upon him that he was not wearing a shirt and it was distracting her. His lips curled up into a smirk as she diverted her eyes back to him. By the look on his face, she knew that he had finally noticed but had decided to play oblivious to the matter. "Let's see," He said as he took a sip from his cup and got up. Orabelle tried hard not to blush. Why does she have to be faced with these situations early in the morning? Not that she was complaining about it or was upset about it. It's just that she wasn't expecting this. Had she known that he'd be half-naked and taunt her with the sight of his glorious body then she'd have come prepared in her belly dance outfit which always has the men drooling over her. He walked towards a door in the corner of the kitchen. Orabelle guessed it to be the pantry. Meanwhile, she opened the cupboard and looked at what was inside. Soon, Haestus walked out with his hands full of groceries. "You decide the menu," He said as he laid down all the things on the kitchen counter. Orabelle was again careful to not steer her eyes down to his body as she looked at the available things. "We can make scrambled eggs, beacon and what's that?" She asked as she pointed to a container. Haestus took it and opened it before sniffing the contents. "It's pancake mix. I'll make pancakes," He said as he moved towards the stove with the container before he took down a frying pan and some oil down from the shelve above. Orabelle peeked at him through the corner of her eyes as his muscles flexed. It was a sight to drool at. "Okay," She uttered as she took the eggs and bacon and moved towards the stove as well. She made sure that she was not standing too close to him or they'd be kissing soon and it wouldn't take long for things to head down south. "Any news on Kiara?" Orabelle asked carefully as she took a pan and placed it on the stove before cracking an egg. Haestus flipped a pancake before depositing it to the plate. He was mind linking one of his men to check up on the witch he had ordered them to find. "Haestus?" She asked when he didn't answer her for long. The air suddenly grew heavy with tension around them. She was holding her breath and waiting for his answer. "Hmmm," He hummed as he flipped another pancake and deposited it on the plate. Orabelle ignored the egg on her pan and turned to face him. She wanted answers. His silence was making things worse for her. Did something go wrong with her friend? She wanted to know. "I asked you something, Haestus." She pressed. She searched his face desperately while a wave of unknown anger started to bubble inside her. Why wasn't he answering her? "They're still searching," He finally said as he looked down at her. She gave him a hard look before she turned to the egg that was almost burned and took it off the pan. "Where did they search?" She asked. She wanted to know everything they were doing. "They're doing their work. You don't have to worry," Haestus assured her curtly. He hated whenever the topic steered to her friend. At the moment, he wanted to concentrate on her- on them. He knew that Kiara was important to Orabelle but he also wanted to hold the same place, or maybe even higher to her. He wanted her to be concerned about them more than Kiara at the moment. He saw Orabelle press her lips in a thin line from the corner of his eyes. She was not pleased with whatever he told her. He sighed deeply. When Orabelle was done making the scrambled eggs, she needed a plate to deposited them onto before she could work with the beacons. The plates were placed high above her head. She stood on her toes as she tried to reach for the plate but it was still far away. Haestus was instantly behind her, helping her to get the plate. It was easy for him to take it down. Suddenly, both of them noticed how close they were standing. Her intoxicating scent invaded Haestus' nose and instantly made his wolf stir. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with her scent. It didn't feel enough for him. He wanted more. He wanted her. Meanwhile, Orabelle looked at him over her shoulder. She noticed the lust that simmered in his dark blue eyes. She had been wanting to be close to him and here they were, standing so close that if anyone leaned into the other, they'd be kissing. She felt the lust flood back into her. She wanted him badly. Slowly, he started to lean in to capture her lips. He wanted to taste her again. The kiss from yesterday wasn't enough for him. He wanted more of her. Heck, he wanted all of her. He was starving for her taste on her lips so much that he couldn't have helped but given in to his desires. One of his hands rested on the kitchen counter before her as he enclosed her with his body. Orabelle's heart rate shot up as he started to eat the distance between them. She yearned for him and a part of her was glad for what they were about to do. She was missing his touch very badly. Slowly he leaned in and gently, he captured her lips. Her heart stopped as soon as the sparks sprang to life. Slowly he moved his lips against hers while she kept still. It surprised both of them when she pulled back abruptly and stepped away from him amidst the kiss. It hurt him. She saw a tortured look cross his face but she drained all the emotions from her face as she took the plate from his hands and muttered a small, "thank you." She didn't know herself why she did that but something in her told her that it was necessary. He stood looking at her in bewilderment as she went back to making scrambled eggs as if they weren't almost kissing just a moment ago. She shouldn't have pulled back. He knew that she wanted to be with him too but she was waiting, waiting for him to prove that they were mates. He ground his teeth as his nostrils flared. He was going to find that Kiara witch soon no matter what it took because then he could finally have Orabelle.
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