
1457 Words

*Sips tea. Smut ahead ;) ~ Orabelle moaned in pleasure as Haestus ravished her neck with his lips, tongue, and teeth. Haestus couldn’t stop tasting her. Her skin was so soft and delicate, and she tasted so good, it was stirring his wolf awake which wanted to participate in their mating too. His actions were becoming more primal. Meanwhile, she ran her hands all over him. She was memorizing everything about him. Slowly, her hands trailed down towards his trouser. She was about to reach for the bulge in his pants when they were being turned. Haestus was now sitting up, his back rested against the bed headboard while Orabelle sat on his lap, strangling him. He continued to obsess over her neck while Orabelle aligned her wet core against the bulge in his pants. She almost moaned in pleasur

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