Chapter 4: Family Day

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IN the next few days, I worked on readying the paperwork and requirements before I could start working at the publishing house. I was excited to know that they will be issuing a company laptop for me which meant that my brother and sister won’t have to share the one desktop among them. My sister Marie will be inheriting the laptop, which means that Kevin can now use the desktop computer all to himself. I haven’t even started working and my family is already benefiting. Once I’ve submitted all the requirements and I’ve signed the employment contract, I invited my parents out to the mall. I plan to treat them out to lunch and buy some groceries. I also wanted to buy new shoes and clothes for my parents and my siblings. Aside from the laptop, and basic necessities I bought for our home, I’ve barely touched the 200 thousand that I initially got when I sold my first novel. I’ve decided that just for today, I will splurge and treat my family to things we’ve only dreamt about previously. I brought my family to a seafood restaurant. Thankfully, they also serve pork and chicken. Kevin wasn’t a big fan of seafood. I let them order anything they wanted. When we finished eating, we were all so full and we could barely stand up. We finished eating everything that was on our table and there was nothing left to take home. I can’t stop smiling as my family seemed so happy. We started walking towards the department stores and I helped my dad and Kevin choose shoes to buy. My dad was very conscious of the price but I wanted to buy him good quality shoes that will last him a while, so I guided him towards the moderately priced ones. Kevin wasn’t even looking at the price and just pointed at the one he found the most attractive. It’s more expensive than what my dad chose for himself, but not by much, so I agreed to buy it for him. As they were fitting the shoes, I tried hard to suppress my tears of joy as I am finally able to buy luxuries for my family, even if they are not that expensive. My mom and sister arrived with the shoes and some clothes they have chosen for themselves. I trust that they are mindful enough not to choose ones that are within our budget. After my dad and brother had chosen clothes for themselves, we went to the cashier to pay for our purchases. I was in line at the cashier when my mom approached me and asked why I didn’t buy anything for myself. I told her that I couldn’t find anything that I liked and that I have more than enough clothes. The truth is that I didn’t look for anything for myself, and I was more than happy to buy clothes just for my family. I’ll just buy some when I get my first pay from work. We got groceries after leaving the department store, and my mom, the great worry-wart that she is, asked me if I still had money to buy groceries. She even said we can just buy groceries some other time as I’d already spent too much on them. I assured her that I have more than enough for groceries and that she shouldn’t worry. We went around the store with my dad pushing the cart and my mom picking up stuff on her list. I noticed my siblings looking around but not getting anything. I told them to pick up whatever they needed and I’ll buy it for them. Marie got some toiletries and a few cosmetics for herself. Kevin, on the other hand, got some junk food and chocolates for himself. They both seemed happy when I gave them the go signal to put their choices in the cart. My dad seemed shy when he asked if he can buy a deodorant, men’s cologne, and some razor he can use for shaving. I pulled him towards the men’s section and helped him choose what to get. I asked my mom if there’s anything she wanted or needed personally, but she said she doesn’t need anything. I know she just doesn’t want to add up to the expenses, but I told her it’s okay for her to pick whatever she needed. I went ahead and bought some toiletries for myself. I even got a face powder and a pink lip gloss so I can put some color on my face when I go to work. My mom decided to get fruits and vegetables from the wet market as she swore they are more affordable and have fresher selections. I agreed and made a note to give my mom some money later on so she can buy what she needed from the wet market. When all our grocery purchases were rung up, my mom gasped at how much I had to pay. The total amount is more than twice our usual grocery cost, but I just smiled to assure my mom that I have more than enough to pay for it. Kevin asked if we can have ice cream before going home, and I willingly obliged. I can’t help but smile once again as I saw him smiling from ear to ear as he chose the big cup. We took a cab going home since it would be difficult to ride the bus or jeepney with all the grocery bags we were carrying. When we got home, I helped my mom put away the groceries while my dad and siblings tried on the shoes and clothes we bought. I was smiling while looking at them when my mom hugged me from behind. Mom: “Thank you, Emmy. Thank you for taking care of us. We’re sorry you had to sacrifice your studies just to help us. We’re very lucky to have you as our daughter.” Emmy: “You’re welcome, mom. You’re my family and I don’t mind. Besides, I’m about to get paid to write. It’s my dream job. That hardly counts as a sacrifice.” Mom: “Still. Your dad and I will do our best to help you out.” Emmy: “Someday, I’ll buy you guys a bigger house and even a car.” Mom: “We’re happy with what we have. I hope you’re happy with your new job, too.” Emmy “I’ll be getting paid to do what I love, mom. I am more than happy.” I didn’t tell my parents everything about the new job. As far as they know, I will be paid to write stories and that I will earn a commission when the story or book gets published. What they did not know is that my name will not appear on any of the books I write. Aside from avoiding breaching the confidentiality clause in my contract, I didn’t want my parents to know that I am letting other people take credit for my work. Right now, I don’t really care as long as I can earn enough to support my family. ------------------------------------ Today is my first day of officially working for the publishing house. I’ve never worked in an office before, so I don’t really know what to expect. As usual, I put on a white button up long sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans. I wore flat shoes instead of sneakers. I put my hair up in a bun on top of my head. I put some powder on my face, and swiped some lip gloss on my lips. I put on my glasses and put the messenger bar around my body. I’m pretty happy with how I look. Seriously, I’ve never had any other look before, and I’m fine with it. When my sister saw me, she immediately frowned. What’s her problem? Marie: “Seriously ate (older sister)? Is that the only shirt you own?” Emmy “What’s wrong with it? It’s a nice shirt.” Marie: “Yeah, but you’ve worn that shirt the two previous times you’ve gone to the office. People will think that you do have other clothes. And your hair. Did you have to tie it up so tight like that? You should let some of your hair fall down on your face or just let it down. You have very nice hair.” Emmy: “I’ll wear something different tomorrow. This happens to be my lucky shirt and I want to wear it for my first day of work. I’m not comfortable having hair on my face so I like this hairstyle.” Marie: “At least let me put some blush and eye makeup on you.” Emmy: “No, this is fine. I’m going for the natural look. I put on some powder, see?” Marie: “You need a little color on your face.” Emmy: “No need. I don’t want people in the office to think that I’m a flirt.” Marie: “With what you’re wearing, people will think you’re an old maid.” Emmy: “They do not. I better go. You’re going to make me late.” I’d already had breakfast earlier and I said goodbye to my mom and dad before leaving. I handed my mom some money for my sibling’s allowance and to pay for some bills at home. She hugged me before letting me go. I was so excited as I got on the bus on the way to work. I saw a free seat at the back but before I could sit on it, the young man behind me took it. I looked at him thinking he’ll give it up since I’m a woman but he didn’t even look at me and put on his headphones. I shook my head lightly. I guess some people don’t know what chivalry is anymore. As the bus kept travelling, more people came in and I noticed a young girl wearing shorts and an off shoulder blouse make her way to the back of the bus. When the young man who took the seat from me saw her, he immediately stood up and had her take the seat in his place. The girl giggled while saying thank you and I could help but shake my head once more. I guess chivalry is not dead for some, but it only emerges when you look like that girl. As I got off the bus still feeling disgusted with how people can discriminate based on looks, I tried to just calm myself down and have a positive disposition as I begin my first day of work as a paid writer.
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