5 - It's Not Her Qualifications...It's my Desire

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Angelo's wasted no time to call his brother Kris and tell him of the day. Pulling out his laptop as soon as he got home and settling in the office chair, he waited for his brother to answer the video call. “So how did the interview go today? Did the American suffice what you're looking for or are you going to move forward with another interviewee?” Kris questioned lightly. “I actually think she's perfect for the job but I don't think I can hire her. “ “Why the hell not Angelos? Doesn't someone being perfect for the job mean you should want hire them?” “Truthfully, it isn't her qualifications that's the issue…It's the fact that I almost kissed her and I would love to flip her over and pound her into oblivion, that's the real problem.” Kris didn't know how to answer this and was quite shocked to hear the level of dismay his brother was relaying. His face was pained and in need. It had been years since Angelos had a woman cause any sort of stir within him. He was forever hooked on the woman from the masquerade ball and his brother was pretty sure he would never get over her. “Well that sounds promising at least. Perhaps you should hire her so you would have it on hand, on a regular basis and stop being such an asshole all the time because you need to get laid.”    “Not f*****g funny Kristo.” Angelos moaned rolling his eyes. “Actually, I don't think I was trying to be humorous. I was being completely honest. You had a one-night stand that you can't let go of for whatever reason and you have let some really good women slip by. If this one stirs enough in you to cause unprofessionalism and hiring her just to get some, I say go for it. That may sound crude but honestly, I'm kind of tired of grumpy unsatisfied brother and I would like to see the hardcore businessman who has his s**t together show up again. I swear, between you and Dimitri I don't know which one is worse.” “Speaking of Dimitri,” Angelos said abruptly, “It seems his old flame is staying in my guest house. Not quite sure how to handle that one. Not quite sure how he will handle that one if he finds out. But the bottom line is she's here for a reason and I hope whatever it is straightens his ass out.” Kris took a deep breath before continuing this conversation. He was about to say things that needed to be kept under wraps. Kris knew he could trust his brother but also knew the closeness of Dimitri and Angelos’ lifetime, best friendship. “You know I don't ask you for much. But what I'm about to tell you needs to remain strictly between the two of us… no matter what! I need your word on our mother's grave and my daughter's life that what we're about to discuss will go no further.” Angelos agreed and listened intently as his brother told him the story in entirety. From meeting Rayne at the masquerade ball to where they were presently, he left out no detail, save one. Zane was not mentioned. Kris knew his brother Angelos could keep secrets but he also knew a child of his lifelong best friend would be something that could possibly push this envelope to the edge. It was the one detail Angelos would likely never keep from Dimitri and Kris didn’t blame him for that.   “She's going to Darius's grave tomorrow while Billee has her second interview. I don't know what you want to do with that information but keeping Dimitri far away would probably be a good idea.” “Actually, I have pushed the second day of interview to the day after tomorrow and I've received an email that Rayne would like to utilize the pool again tomorrow. I suspect she will head to Darius' grave the day after. I think it's time to meet with her and let her know that Darius’ plane crash was not an accident. I'm not sure how I will handle any questions about Dimitri if they come up but I'm confident she deserves closure more than any of us. And we both know she was never given that opportunity. I've always disagreed with the way things were left and how it was handled. However, we all know now what happened to Dimitri in his youth and he’s broken inside where emotions lie.”   Kris was always so internally torn about the way things had ended. He wanted to literally beat the s**t out of Dimitri but knew how badly he had been scarred from what his father did during his childhood. Not only did he verbally abuse everything Dimitri did, he beat him near senseless several times. More often than not it was a beating because something in his father’s life hadn’t gone right and not anything Dimitri had actually done wrong. While Kris believed this was tragic, Dimitri was also a strong-minded man who could overcome his urge to lock off love if he really wanted too. Others didn’t see that possibility but when Rayne came into Dimitri’s life, he changed and for the better. He even fell in love. This factor alone was Kris’ real concern. Because at the end of the day, Dimitri was still in love with Rayne. Even years later, to fight that urge of love and commitment, Kris was unclear how far Dimitri would actually go to deny it. “He is in love with her Angelos. We all know that. He will never love another; we all know that too. But frankly, his anger at being weak enough to let love take control is always going to be his undoing. I think keeping them distant for now is best. Just feel him out and see what he is planning over the next few days. I don’t want her hurt. If he does, I can assure you this time, I will kick his ass.” Angelos snickered knowing that when it came to Rayne’s well-being Kris might actually just best Dimitri in a fight. Dimitri had tormented him relentlessly for years as being weaker and too emotional. Kris was now a man with convictions and love in his heart for the same woman Dimitri should be married to for life. This fact made Angelos half want to see the fight commence. “I know Kris. Give my love to my niece and sister in law. I will take care of it. I promise.” With that Angelos smiled and ended the video chat. 
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