#Chapter 20 – Riding Liam

1256 Words

All the other wolves around were dwarfed compared to Liam’s massive size.  Liam was so much larger and more majestic. A true Alpha. His silver fur glistened like diamonds. He walked right up to me, his eyes never leaving mine. There was a wildness to them that I had never seen in Liam in his human form. My heart started to beat faster as uncertainty shook through me. Maybe I should protect myself?  I had never been this close to a wolf and I had heard stories about how humans were supposed to be careful around werewolves when they transformed to their wolf forms. Liam lowered his head, bringing himself even closer to me and I froze. What was I supposed to do? What did he want me to do? Gently, Liam nudged my arm with his snout. I took a closer look into his eyes. And even though I

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