Elections in the World and Their Impact

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Elections in the World and Their Impact: 2024 is the election year throughout the world. From Russia to South Africa, and the US to India everywhere is this election hype. Although the wars in Ukraine and Gaza are also looming. Geopolitically 2024 is very important. The U.S. election is going to be wild. In the U.S. elections are only 10 months away. An upset of some sort is possible. It's surely Biden versus Trump again. In the US 2024 is going to be an election year. Odd predictions are coming in for this presidential match. According to surveys President Joe Biden who is expected to be the democratic candidate once again this year will have a tough competition from the former Republican President Donald Trump. The house republicans' investigation into President Biden's impeachment might hurt him along with his son's Hunter Biden Laptop leak issue. Whereas Former Republican President Trump is doing all he can to win the election. His campaign revolves around the "Make America Great Again" slogan. In the US the elections are quite a tiff as the deep state would also play its part. Many suppose that this time if Donald Trump wins the enablers who are working on this agenda are not favouring democracy or freedom. One thing is obvious who wins the US elections this time is more important than ever. As it will not only change major internal policies and the internal stress alone but the world would be directly impacted by the choices America makes and in which direction American politics will shift. Some issues will be highlighted, previous issues might be put to rest. Huge shifts in strategic placement and geopolitical relations could be on the table. Also in 2024 how things will turn for the overall Middle East is yet to be seen. Predictively Middle East is what will be decisive in determining the future ahead for the world (unless any new Taiwan-China conflict emerges). It will play a role in US elections too. Ukraine will also see progress on its bid to join the European Union after the agreement to open membership talks. So in 2024 further expansion of NATO would be seen as Sweden is hoping to join the alliance as well. Taiwan also held an election on 13 January 2024. Although China stated clearly that they desire to reunify with the Iseland and that Taiwan is a part of China. So China sees the self-governing Iseland as a breakaway province. President Xi Jinping of China has shown commitment to reunifying Taiwan with China even if using force became necessary. So you can see how important Taiwan is for China. The election of Taiwan according to China is nothing but deep provocation. The Island has been ruled since 2006 by Tsai Ing-Wen who is from Democratic-Progressive-Party. Lai's victory in the election has been more provoking for China as Lia is pro-Independence of Taiwan. DPP takes the hardest line and policies against mighty neighbor China. DDP refuses to acknowledge the principle of "one China". Mr. Lia himself openly favors the greater Taiwanese autonomy. This shows an interesting but huge advancement in the Taiwan-China political horizon and things can get tense at any time. Won't be wrong to say that Lia's victory could expect a strong reaction from China more than only words which is feared by many analysts. India's elections are due in 2024 as well. This means that India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, is also facing an election this year. In December 2023 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) already swept through three major state elections. It's obvious that in 2024 BJP Party will be winning again and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be elected for another full term. Mr. Modi is politically strong and has impressive speaking skills but it also means his party's Hindu nationalist agenda will continue and minorities might suffer again under his rule. There is strong opposition to the BJP in the south and east of India but on the National level, BJP is still accepted widely. Mr. Modi has been accused of using political power for his own gains. He is also accused of using anything and everything and having close ties with the establishment to win over his opponents. Accusations of preventing freedom of the press, independence of the judiciary, and rising anti-Muslim sentiments also follow him. But this is true too that under Prime Minister Modi India has emerged as a global leader under whose guidance India is doing well in all sectors. Meanwhile, the improvement of the economy of the country and the improvement of the BJP vote goes hand in hand. Quite an accuracy in this prediction that besides the concerns about the erosion of democracy, and Muslim minority rights Mr.Modi will win another term very smoothly. Tunisia and South Africa are also having their elections in 2024. South Africa's elections are in March of 2024. The ruling party ANC, which has governed the country since Nelson Mendelaleadership is facing hard times. Current leader Cyril Ramaphosa ousted Ex-president Jacob Zuma. Nationwide corruption charges and many other charges were placed on 81-year-old Ex-President Zuma. Now Mr. Zuma is asking South Africa to vote for a new formation not for the ANC, as he says it will betrayal of your vote to give it to the ANC. The upcoming elections in Tunisia are the Presidential elections. Tunisia has been in a state of emergency since 2015 when in an attack several presidential guards were killed. Now the elections will be held in Tunisia under the new constitution. These elections are said to be boycotted by many foreign election monitors as well as many Tunisians. In the vast picture, Sudan is still completely unstable, and Sudan is devastated by civil wars. A nine-month war between the Sudanese army and Paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RFC) has given Sudan nothing but death, destruction, and more poverty. Rwanda is making rounds on the Internet too since UK's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's comments to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. And on the other hand, Niger is facing continued sanctions after the coup. Niger is having all the International attention but for all the wrong reasons. After the military coup in July 2023 and then sanctions on Niger, its economy has crashed to the bottom. The armed group Boko Haram is also playing its role in Niger's politics. In September 2023 French President Emmanuel Macron announced the withdrawal of 1,500 French troops from Niger. As the West is rolling back from Niger, Russia's influence is rising in the region. Previously Russia's presence was in the region through Wagner Group. In Argentina, there is a debate going on whether to use the dollar as its currency or not. Argentina's newly sworn-in president Javier Milei known as "madman" belongs to the far-right. He is introducing huge changes in the country overall and its economic system. At the last minute, Argentina pulled itself back from entering the BRICS forum. Further in South America tensions are rising among Venezuela and Guyana. This can create a new conflict if the situation is not contained. Both countries have a dispute over the Essequibo region of Guyana which is oil-rich. It was formerly part of the British colony Essequibo region of Guyana which stretches across 160,000 square meters was initially recognised as part of Guyana but now Venezuela also claims its territory. This happened after the major discoveries of Gas and Oil in the Essequibo region of Guyana in recent years. Until now Venezuela and Guyana have agreed upon not to use force against each other but how long this dispute will remain and where will this tension lead, is yet to be seen. Not to forget Venezuela is heading to elections along with Mexico later in 2024. Pakistan is approaching its elections on February 8th. Although military establishment in Pakistan which is known as kingmakers too are doing all they can to sideline the nation's popular party PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) and bring along a person of their own choice. Although in Pakistan the popularity of the former prime minister Imran Khan is reaching its new heights. Seems like the people chosen could be left out of power but can't be erased from their minds. Imran Khan was ousted as Prime Minister in April 2022 when a no-confidence motion against him succeeded. After that, he was hit by 180 charges from riots to terrorism and now he is jailed in a nine-by-11 foot cell. He faced corruption charges and allegedly selling state gifts. He was also facing an Idut case (which means his marriage with Bushra Bibi his present wife violated Islamic law). In these three cases, Pakistan ex-PM Imran Khan, His ife has been sentenced to 14 years in a state gift case. Ex-PM Khan is sentenced to 10 years in a state gift case. Pakistan's ex-PM Imran Khan is sentenced along with his wife for seven years in jail. Although all these cases will be challenged in higher courts in the coming days. At least in the near future his coming to power again chances are thin. Talks of some deals behind closed doors are also making rounds on social media. Khan's name is banned from the media, his party is facing arrests and harassment all these are allegedly benefiting the opposing parties. But people still love him unconditionally so many analysts are predicting that if PTI is restricted from taking part in the upcoming elections, the election won't be fair. The temperature in Pakistan is going to rise in the upcoming week of the election. It's an open secret that in Pakistan army is considered Kingmaker. That is why all politicians want to stay in the good books of the Army. This time establishment in Pakistan has thrown its support behind Nawaz Sharif who heads PMLN so it's pretty obvious what the result of these elections will favour. Although in Pakistan people at the grassroots are quite in favour of Imran Khan according to National and International Media. According to media reports Pakistan is almost drowning in external debt of $140 billion. People of Pakistan are facing the highest inflation ever which is Asia's highest inflation. Food prices are rising in Pakistan by more than 38 percent year on year. American priorities are what Pakistan is led by politically. Since China is emerging as a global power and Russia is becoming more important than ever, the risk of not being pro-China, and Russia's block is what the West wants for and from Pakistan. The strategic location of Pakistan and its constant up-and-down relations with India also plays a huge role in Western relations with Pakistan. The current situation of Afghanistan and Iran is also impacting Pakistan's elections. So in these changing times, a zero-risk policy is adopted by America and that is why Nawaz Sharief is the current choice of the West and Military establishment this time. Let's hope for the best that this civil-military relationship this time goes well, although many analysts believe that there is no strong bond between Nawaz Sharif and the Military. Therefore things can turn worse at any point keeping the past in view. The role of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in these elections will also be determined by their relations with the establishment. But the Chessboard of a new political stage in Pakistan is all set for its players to make their moves accordingly. After all no Prime Minister of Pakistan has ever completed a full term. If Nawaz Sharif became the Prime Minister of Pakistan (which is quite obvious in given circumstances) it would be his fourth term.
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