Chapter 21

2239 Words

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE ELIZABETH I’ve been worried about Connor and Olivia all day. I’ve been insanely busy at the office seeing patients, but it’s kept my brain from wandering. When Connor and Olivia were on their way back home and again when they arrived in Eldorado, I got an update. I’m dying to know what happened and nervous about what's going to happen. By the sounds of it, his ex has created lots of issues for him. As soon as my shift is over, I head home and take a shower. The hot steam relaxes my tense muscles as I impatiently wait for him to let me know what’s going on. As soon as I see his text message preview, I hurry and unlock my phone. Connor: Olivia’s sound asleep in bed. A relieved sigh escapes me. Elizabeth: Good. How are you doing with all of this? Did you eat dinner?

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