Chapter 5

3071 Words

CHAPTER FIVE ETHAN “Hey, Uncle John,” I greet as I enter the B&B. He nods, then continues chatting with a guest who’s complaining about the heat like it can be changed. “Ma’am, this is West Texas. August is one of the hottest months of the year,” Uncle John explains with a frustrated sigh as if this isn’t the first time he’s had this conversation. “You’re welcome to stay inside where it’s air-conditioned.” “I didn’t come all the way down here to stay inside.” She huffs. I shake my head as the woman continues her rant. Though the B&B has been in the family for decades and is a valued vacation retreat, there are still guests who will never be satisfied. Leaving Uncle John to it, I go to the breakfast buffet and grab a plate. Maize walks out of the kitchen with a flour-covered apron. “

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