
1771 Words

PROLOGUE ETHAN “Isaac just f*****g broke up with me through text message,” Harper says on the other end of the line. Her voice shakes, but I can also hear the anger in her tone. She and Isaac have been together for four years—the last two years of high school and the first two years in college. Breaking up with her that way is so damn disrespectful that I’m ready to track him down and hog-tie him. “I’m sorry, Harp. What can I do?” I want to tell her how much of a piece of s**t he is and how he’s always seemed like the jealous type, but it wouldn’t be helpful. “Come to my dorm? I just need someone to talk to, and I don’t want to be alone.” A small smile hits my lips. “Sure. Give me about an hour. I need to finish some things, then I’ll be right there.” “Sounds good.” She sucks in a de

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