Chapter 1

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CHAPTER ONE ELIZABETH FIFTEEN MONTHS LATER I've been restless all night and slept like total s**t. It's as if my body knew I'd have a text from Connor as soon as I woke up. Days off don't really exist anymore. Not when I'm trying to juggle vet school and working at the clinic. The position was supposed to be a temporary internship, but luckily, Connor offered me a part-time job that fall. Now that classes have started again, I’m back to working on Monday and Friday, and on the weekends if there’s an emergency. I go to school all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, then drive back to Eldorado every week. There’s no free time for myself, but it’ll be worth it when I’m officially Dr. Elizabeth Bishop. I unlock my phone and read the message he sent nearly five minutes ago. Connor: The Bruces have a heifer experiencing dystocia. They need help ASAP. I’m on another job. Let me know that you've received this text. I immediately reply, rolling my eyes at how formal he is. Of course there’s no thank you at the end, only demands. Elizabeth: I'll be there in a half hour. Connor: The Bruces are very close friends, so make sure to treat them well and do a good job. They weren’t happy I couldn’t be there. Elizabeth: No problem. He sends me a thumbs-up emoji. I groan, then climb out of bed and get dressed. After I slip on my boots and put my hair in a high ponytail, I text my younger cousins. Rowan and Maize might already be awake, but Kenzie worked at the bar last night, so she’s probably still asleep. The Circle B Saloon in downtown Eldorado is the only place in town for people to hang out, considering everything closes so early. My dad and Uncle John bought and remodeled it years ago. They’ve allowed my cousins and brother, Ethan, to bartend for extra cash. Elizabeth: I gotta help birth a calf. The mama is having some complications. You two wanna come and help? Maize: Where’s Dr. VetDreamy? Elizabeth: On another job, which is why I gotta go solo. Rowan: I just took a shower… Maize: I’m hungover from last night. I grab the bag with all my equipment, then double-check I have everything I need. Elizabeth: OMG you guys suck! I just need some extra hands. Maize: Take Ethan. Rowan: Or Kenzie. Elizabeth: Meet me at the B&B in 10 minutes. Both of you! The Circle B Bed and Breakfast is on the way to the Bruces’. I have no idea what I’ll be walking into and will probably need some help. I don’t give them a choice and hop in my truck and head that way. Most of the Bishops live somewhere on the ranch. It’s common to get married and build a house on the property since we end up working on the ranch one way or another. Though I haven’t been able to help out much in the past couple of years, that’ll eventually change. That’s always been the plan anyway. I’m surprised Connor trusts me to help his close friends, considering I often feel like he tests me. It’s as if he’s waiting for me to f**k something up so he has a reason to get rid of me. His compliments are few and far between, and if I could learn under another vet in Eldorado, I would. However, Dr. Wallen is the only one in a fifty-mile radius, and his clients know it. That’s why he stays so busy. I turn into the B&B and park. As soon as Rowan hops in the passenger seat, she speaks up. “You nervous or something? You’re sweating.” “It’s hot,” I reply. It’s August and doesn’t start cooling down until early October. “Mm-hmm.” She chuckles. “Maize coming?” Before I can say a word, Maize walks out of the B&B, slowly taking the steps one at a time. She looks like she made a visit to hell and back as she climbs in the back seat of my truck. “Oh my God.” Rowan laughs and turns to get a good look at her. “What the hell happened to you?” I back out of the driveway and head to the Bruces’ ranch. Maize groans at every bump I hit, and I smirk when I look at her in my rearview mirror. She looks hungover and miserable. “I went to the bar last night to keep Kenzie company, and well…” She sighs. “Do either of you know a Gavin?” “No, doesn’t ring a bell,” Rowan replies. She works at the bar too and knows all the regulars. “Thank God. I hope he was just passing through.” “Maize…” The corner of Rowan’s lips tilts up. “What’d you do?” “I think the question is who did you do?” I mock, making a turn onto an old country road. We continue to pick on Maize about her sexcapades and chat the whole way to the Bruces’. She’s obviously embarrassed, but it’s okay to have a little fun every once in a while, especially when you’re young and single. In fact, I envy her. I’m far too busy and committed to school to even have a one-night stand. Once the barn comes into view, I roll to a stop and put my truck in park. “Alright, we’re here. Think you two can manage to help me so I don’t f**k this up?” We’ve all grown up on the ranch riding horses and raising cattle, so this comes as second nature to us. Though it’s different when I’m representing Dr. Wallen. If I hurt this calf or the heifer, or don’t do a satisfactory job, my a*s and my future will be on the line. No one wants a vet who can’t do basic tasks like a complicated delivery. “You’ve done this dozens of times. Why are you so nervous now?” Rowan asks. “Connor made it very clear these were very close friends of his and to treat them well.” I shrug when she pops a brow at me. “I don’t want to disappoint him, okay?” I finally say. “Because you love him,” Maize teases. “I wouldn’t mind having one night with him.” “Alright, drunky, you stay in the truck,” I say. “Oh c’mon, I’m fine! I just know you have a thing for your boss, and you’re too chicken to tell him,” she continues. “How could you not, though? He’s ridiculously sexy!” Rowan fans her face, and I shoot her a death glare. Just because he’s good-looking doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about shoving my size eight shoe up his a*s a few times. Truthfully, good-looking is an understatement. He’s pure s*x on legs with dark hair I’d like to thread my fingers through and deep blue eyes I love gazing into. When we first met, I was fourteen, and he had just graduated college, though I’m not sure he even remembers that. It’s something I’d never forget because he was the first person I’d met who was going to school to become a vet. That man has secrets I want to know. Especially the tattoos I’ve caught a peek or two on his muscular forearms when he’s rolled up his sleeves. I push the thoughts away and remind myself he’s a smart-a*s who’s demanding and moodier than I am during PMS. I can hardly speak to him without worrying that I’ve done something wrong or that I’ll be a big disappointment. At this point, I’m convinced his full name is Dr. Connor Condescending Wallen. It does have a ring to it. As my cousins talk amongst themselves, I grab my bag and walk toward the barn. “You two are hopeless.” They follow me, snickering. “Y’all gonna get me fired,” I finally say, only imagining what was said. With those two, there’s no telling. When we get closer to the entrance, I see Jeffery Bruce standing by the maternity stall. “Howdy, miss.” “Mornin’,” I return. “So what’s been going on?” Jeffery explains how the heifer has been struggling and how his attempts to assist were unsuccessful. Since it’s her first time giving birth, she’s already anxious, and now she’s experiencing dystocia. It’s common in heifers because it cannot be prevented, only corrected. He’s aware of the risk involved and gives me the go-ahead to move forward with the procedure. Rowan and Maize watch as I pull out my shoulder-length gloves along with the leg straps, then get to work. The last thing I want to do is hurt the calf, so I carefully attach the straps to both legs, and with even pressure, I wiggle the baby past the birth canal. I take a few breaks, allowing the mama all the time she needs to reposition herself. The goal is to avoid hip lock, which could potentially lead to death for both animals. Jeffery watches from afar, which makes me nervous, considering Connor already told me they were close friends. The pressure’s on, and I refuse to mess this up. Maize offers positive reinforcements and cheers for me like I’m in a dance competition. “You’re doing good! This is why you’ll have Dr. in front of your name soon.” “You’ve got this,” Rowan encourages. “Bet you could do this in your sleep.” All I can do is laugh. My cousins have always been my biggest fans, but I’m not complaining. It’s actually nice to hear for once, considering I don’t get many compliments on the job. Sometimes I wonder what I did to Connor to annoy him so much. “Imma need your help to pull once we see those hooves. Put on the extra gloves in my bag,” I say over my shoulder, blowing loose strands of hair out of my face. Considering I’m elbow-deep in the placenta, there’s nothing I can do. Next time, I’m wearing a hat. “You’re doing good, mama,” I softly say to the heifer. It takes about thirty minutes before I can ease the calf through the pelvic opening and make sure to keep the head upward. While I’m paying extra attention to the baby and repositioning the calf puller tool, I think about what Rowan said earlier and smile. I could do this with my eyes closed. As soon as I see hooves, I speak up. “Come on, I’m gonna need some strength,” I tell my cousins. They don’t hesitate and grab on to each leg as I help assist the baby out. We gently set it on the ground, and I clear the mucus from the nose and mouth, then pat hard to make sure the passageway is open. It’s an emotional moment when the mama turns around and sees her baby looking up at us like we’re aliens. “It’s a boy,” I say. “Who’s perfectly healthy, just a little stubborn,” I say with amusement. The mama licks and cleans him up, and I feel a burst of happiness. Moments like this are so special and a reminder of why I work so damn hard. I love this job and can’t wait to graduate with my doctorate and be a licensed vet. Jeffery approaches, wearing a big grin. “Ma’am, you’ve got a knack for delivering. Shoulda called you earlier.” “Thank you. I appreciate that.” I take off my gloves and glance over to see Rowan and Maize enamored by the sweet new baby. “I’m gonna check the heifer and make sure she’s good to go. Probably want to keep her in the delivery stall until tomorrow.” “Will do,” Jeffery says. “If you see her actin’ strange or if she has a loss of appetite, please don’t hesitate to give the office a call, and we’ll come right out.” “Thank ya. I’m glad Dr. Wallen sent you.” “You’re welcome,” I reply, hoping he tells Connor how much of a badass I am. “It was my pleasure.” “I’ve never wanted to adopt a baby cow so much in my life,” Maize squeals as I do my routine checks. “Same,” Rowan admits. “Maybe I shoulda gone to vet school too.” She laughs. “Nah. Too many gross things to deal with.” “You’re right about that. Some of the stories I could tell you—” “Don’t,” Maize interjects, holding up her hand. “No nasty details before I’ve had breakfast. I’m way too hungover for that.” Before we leave, I snap a quick selfie next to the little black and white calf. When we climb in the truck, Rowan groans. “I think I’m gonna need another shower.” I chuckle. “Probably a good idea.” Pulling out my phone, I text the picture to Connor with a message that everything went perfectly. As I’m backing out of the driveway, he responds. Connor: Great. His lack of appreciation infuriates me. “What’s that face for?” Rowan asks as I suck in a deep breath. “Look what Connor sent,” I say, handing her my phone. Maize leans forward and reads it. “Oh, keep scrolling. They’re all like that.” I groan, turning onto the main road and heading toward the B&B. “Okay, that’s pretty douchey,” Maize finally says. “Even though he’s hot as hell, he could use some manners.” “Right,” I tell her. “Guess I should expect it at this point.” “Maybe he missed communications class.” Rowan giggles, handing me back my phone. Luckily, she changes the subject and talks about the bar, but I’m too lost in my thoughts to listen. As long as I’ve worked with Connor, it’s always been the same. Over a year of short responses and work-only conversations. He never talks about anything personal and keeps to himself ninety-nine percent of the time. He’s all business, and I often wonder why he even hired me in the first place. Knowing Grandma Bishop, she had something to do with it because I’d mentioned needing hands-on experience. Grandma’s protective but also persuasive and always gets what she wants. The woman rules the roost in Eldorado, and I know for a fact she talked to Connor about hiring an intern. Regardless, it’s not an excuse to be treated like an inconvenience. I’ve proven myself worthy time and again even though he’d never admit it. By the time I pull into the B&B, my mood is sour. “What’s wrong?” Rowan finally asks. I groan, annoyed at him and myself for needing his validation. “I just want Connor to be impressed by something I do. Just hearing a good job, Elizabeth or nice work, Elle would be great. I try so damn hard, hoping he’ll consider hiring me full-time when I’m licensed, but he’s an arrogant asshole.” “I’m sorry,” Rowan says. “Maybe he doesn’t realize how he’s acting?” Maize snorts. “He knows. He’s not stupid. But if you think about it, he’s just like your dad. Uncle Evan acts exactly the same way—a complete hard-a*s. Maybe it’s a doctor thing to be all business all the time regardless of the situation?” We climb out of the truck. “I’m used to Dad acting that way with other people, but it’s different when it’s your boss. It sucks to be on the receiving end of it.” “Have you ever thought that maybe you like him so much because he acts like your dad?” Maize asks with brows lifted as we enter the B&B. “And now I’m gonna go throw up,” I taunt as we walk to the bathroom to clean up. “It’s a proven fact that women fall for men who are like their father,” she continues. Rowan bursts into laughter. “Yep, I’m officially grossed out. Thanks, Maze. You have a special way with words.” After we’re done washing from our fingertips to our elbows, we go to the buffet and snag a few cookies before I leave. Right now, I need a hot shower to scorch away the images Maize shoved into my head.
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