Chapter 3

838 Words

Chapter 3 The next day started out with more practicing of the medium's tricks. Madame decided it was also time to work on my appearance. She cast a critical eye upon my current outfit, an eggshell pleated shirtwaist and serviceable skirt of amber linen. "You do not look the part in such attire," she said. "Perhaps your boarder—the Widow Hobbs—could lend you something suitable? From what I have seen of her, such a wardrobe would be along the line of what you need." I sighed. "I was afraid you would suggest that. Very well, I'll ask." Mrs. Hobbs was close to my height, but I would have to pin every waist, as the lady was over-fond of Sadie's stroganoff and possessed a hearty appetite. Madame gestured toward my head. "And the hair…this will not do at all. Perhaps a turban?" Land sakes,

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