Chapter 6

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I don’t know if for every conduct, there should be a reason. I just don’t know. I wasn’t born endowed with the power to penetrate into anyone’s mind. But let me make an exception. There she was in all her glory. It had to be sleeveless and elegant red—not blue nor purple. It had to be with a plunging neckline boldly exposing her perky round breasts—almost spilling, almost showing everything. And her dress had to have a high side slit to let her stick out her thigh—flawless and inviting. Fine feathers do make a fine bird, but she’s already a fine bird to begin with. Neoma chose to wear something which offered too much for the men who saw her in Brasserie. She has a taunting reason. She chose red like fire which made her date that night sweat; it had to be thiscolor for it accentuated her art of seduction. She was there to be someone he’ll salivate over but one whom he’ll never have ever again. That was the message she was giving the anticipating Ohm who discerned how she appeared similar to the first time they’ve met—gorgeous yet intriguing. His heart throbbed. His mind was in shambles for it was feeding him a recollection of all the times they’ve shared each other’s heat. He was excited. He felt like a high school boy who’s been given the chance to date his crush. Ohm ushered Neoma to her seat across his. The elegant square table reserved for them had a purpose this evening. It’s in the center surrounded by others. It had to be there, for when he’ll propose, the people will surround them with congratulations and applause. Certainly, the men and women around them felt like congratulating them both, since they look perfect together. They are both comely, and they are both of authority and with immense wealth. She, however, does not share their consensus. “It’s pleasant to see that you’re not stupid to stand me up tonight. I’m glad you came,” he condescendingly initiated. Inwardly though, he concealed his excitement. He is a proud man, and he doesn’t want to look hopeless in front of anyone—especially in front of the woman he’s bent on dominating. She, nevertheless, had an unreadable expression.She was neither smiling nor frowning. She was like a doll with a stoic face, designed not to give him the benefit of showing how she truly felt.She noticed the half empty bottle of brandy. Frustrated, aren’t you? She thought. Ohm tried to sound enterprising and in control of the situation. “Let’s eat first before we discuss crucial matters. Waiting for you has made me hungry. Wait-” “Don’t bother,” she finally said when he was about to call a waiter. “What is it?” “Let me get straight to the point. I did not come here to dine with you nor do I intend to discuss anything with you at all.” He foresaw this. He sensed how she felt towards him tonight, and he knew she’d say something like that. Still, he asked, “Then, why did you still decide to meet me?” She was calm, and her eyes were cold. “I came here to personally tell you how pathetic you are to have asked my father to arrange a date with me.” Her words struck his ego, and he glared at her.“Don’t flatter yourself. Did you really think I’m dying to be with you? You’re just one of the many women I fucked.” She smirked. “Oh, really?Then I guess all of this is pointless. There wasn’t really one good reason for us to have this date to begin with.” “Why is that? Are you scared that by end of this night, you’ll spread your legs for me again?” “Been there, done that. You’re not really good in bed. Like I told you before, you bore me to death.” She could see through his jests, and she could see that he was furious. She knows him too well indeed. “You b***h,” he said through gritted teeth. He was mad that the only thing he could think of at that point was ripping off her dress and ramming into her until she’s broken. The sudden presence of a waiter didn’t make much of a difference, and this made him even more peeved. “May I take your order now, sir? Ma’am?” The waiter was oblivious about the tension between them. He only saw a fine couple who was speechless while gazing at each other. (“Glowering” could be the right word here) Neoma then stood to excuse herself and told the waiter who was enthralled by her, “It’s alright. I’ll be leaving anyway.” Then to her abrupt date, she said, “Well then, Ohm, I’ll see you around. Good evening.” Nothing went the way he planned for this evening. It was supposed to be special, and he was supposed to make her his again. Everything was now in vain as he could only watch Neoma’s back constantly getting farther from his view. He stood and chose to chase her, not even minding crudely shoving the waiter out of his way. “Neoma!” He called. The other customers were engaged in the scene before them. Their discernment didn’t veer much away from what really ensued between the two. They assumed that the woman was just pissed about something; that’s why she chose to leave the man behind. Her heels were dragging her—the reason why he caught her quick when she was already by the door. He instantly grabbed her left arm. “You should attend to me when I call you.” She was annoyed at how grim his tone was. “Who are you to demand something like that to me?” He chortled. “I’m the man whom you’ll be marrying.” Something at the back of her mind signalled her to be worried about the words he conveyed, but her displeasure towards him was louder. “Oh, please. Where is this coming from? Did my father feed you too much hope? Mr. Ohm Consunji, even with how obsessed you are, you are nothing to me. Remember that.” He tightened his grip around her arm as he said undaunted, “Well then, Neoma, let me tell you that even with your opposition, our marriage will push through.” She stared at him for a moment. “What do you mean? Let me go!” He grinned and whispered to her ear, “Did you actually think you’re that potent, you spoiled brat? You’re nothing compared to your father.” “You ass—!” “Call me anything you want: asshole, coward, bastard—anything at all. But I just want to tell you that your father will see to it that by next month, we will be wed.” Her father wasn’t supposed to intrude into her affairs. He wasn’t supposed to dictate how she’ll live her life. It turns out that he was actually serious in letting her espouse the douche who’s now trying to sever her arm. “Don’t be delusional. Let me go! Sol!” And with just a call of his name, he was then there. Swift like a gush of wind, Sol peeled Ohm’s hand from her arm and secured her in his embrace. “Are you alright?” He asked out of concern. “Sol,” she managed to say and looked up at him with irate eyes, “Yes, I am. You shouldn’t have stayed outside.” (She was the one who told him to stay outside the restaurant though) “I’m sorry. Will you be punishing me later?” Ohm watched in anger at the two of them, and he definitely didn’t like seeing Sol’s face again. He always has to ruin everything for him. He deliberately laughed aloud. “How pleasant to see your dog come to your rescue again. Isn’t this getting old?” Sol didn’t bother to rebut and only minded his mistress who was trembling a bit. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like seeing her weak especially what made her feel this way. He turned to Ohm and glared at him as he said to her, “Neoma, what do you want me to do?” Slowly yet frigidly, she spoke. “Teach him a lesson for me.” She then stood aside and watched amusingly how fast her dog smashed his palm on her past lover’s chin. The spectators around them gasped as Ohm somehow levitated for a fraction of a second because of the impact. He staggered and tried to counter. “Why you!” Sol caught his fist and remembered that that was the same hand that harshly gripped Neoma’s poor soft arm. He twisted it with ominous intensity till he heard him shriek in pain. Then, using the side of his hand, he chopped on his elbow, jabbed on his throat before he tripped him over to the floor. His head gonged when it hit the tiled surface. The two security guards were informed and the way they saw it, the man lying on the floor was assaulted by the man who was about to ram a raging fist straight to his face. Outside Brasserie, Hart and Benjie wondered why the people inside whom they could see through the translucent glass pane were somehow in a panic, moments after their young miss’ dog went inside, followed by the establishment’s security guards. When they decided to check what’s wrong, they were just in time to see Sol elbow one guard on his nape which made him drop unconscious and knee the other on his stomach.Their young master was lying immobile on the floor, and the young miss was looking incredibly entertained. Hart took out his gun and pointed it at Sol. “Stop, you bastard!” He looked at him icily, and before he knew it, he was in front of him. He didn’t even have the time to blink, since his gun was then floating in the air. Sol caught it and pointed it at him. “How—?” Then, he was knocked to sleep by his own gun. Benjie raised both his hands in the airbecause his cousin’s gun’s muzzle was targeting his head. “That’s enough, Sol. Let’s go.” They heard Neoma say. Sol complied, and he grabbed Benjie’s right hand and gave the gun to him. His demeanor changed when he approached his mistress. “I did too much. What would be my punishment?” For someone who has the potential of a murderer, Benjie thought, he sure is odd to be acting that way towards the Belmonte heiress. The restaurant manager, came minutes later. She was a woman taller than any of the people there and her shock levelled her height. It was supposed to be a day off, and she had to hurry and attend to some debacle. After getting the complete details from the restaurant staff, she was appalled to realize that the reservation made by the venerable Wile Belmonte could stir such drama. Worse, the Consunji heir had to be sent to the hospital along with their injured security guards. And when police officers came and heard who were involved, they seemed uninterested about the incident. How saddening it was that two respected family names have been mixed up in this conflict and in their place nonetheless. So, immediately, she addressed an apology to the Belmonte Conglomerate and the Consunji Group, for letting something like this happen and not being able to have controlled it. Neoma could still feel the remnant of Ohm’s grip in her arm. She tried to shake it off along with the uneasiness she felt while recalling what he told her about a potential forced wedding. She felt cold, but it wasn’t the coldness from the air conditioner of her car; it was something beyond her control—that cold feeling of uncertainty where she’ll be left to fight for herself against those more powerful than her. She could think of one formidable opponent: her father. Surely, right now, she thought, he’s moving his pieces that one day, she’ll be surprised how he managed to checkmate her. She was severed from her troubles when Sol pulled the car over. She was really deep in them that she didn’t notice they were already in front of their house—her father’s house. He noticed her distress even though subtle. He is the only one who can usually unmask her. “What’s wrong, Neoma? Does your arm still hurt?” he asked through the rear view mirror. Her stare was penetrating when she replied, “Don’t mind me, and don’t ask. You still haven’t gained the right to delve into my troubles.” “I’m sorry,” he replied without taking note of how rude her response was. He never really does take offense for however badly she treats him. In case you missed it, he prefers it this way. Then, brusquely, she clamped her hand on his neck just when he was about to exit the car. “Don’t move.” She whispered to his ear from behind. She was already out of the rear view mirror’s range; it couldn’t show him what exactly she was doing to him. But he felt it. He felt her tongue lick the right side of his neck. “You changed your body spray. You taste different.” Her words sounded so stimulating that his right hand moved to fondle her hair. She swatted his hand away and scolded him. “Didn’t I tell you not to move?” “S-sorry” was all he could reply. He realized that this could be her punishment for how he overdid things earlier. It was rousing him too much that he could only clutch the wheel. Then, he felt her teeth sink slowly then more and more into his bare skin, while her nails dug into the opposite side of his neck. Tonight, she was a vampire who was sucking all the blood from him—draining him of his life force and draining him of all rationality, replacing it with nothing but sensuality. It felt exhilarating, and it evoked a sensation so erogenous, he couldn’t help but moan. “A-aaah! Neomaaa.” When her sweet torture ceased, he was catching his breath, and his entire body was eager specifically down there. “You did well tonight. That’s your reward,” she told him, and her smirk was vivid in the rear view mirror. Wile was at his study, and he observed through the large window how Sol opened the car’s door for Neoma. He had taken off his coat and draped it to her. She must have felt his eyes that she returned him something—a glare; it was abrupt, yet he was certain that his daughter was infuriated. What happened at the restaurant was already delivered to him, and he found it fascinating. Just how much do you think you have that you can defy me? He thought. The sound of a door being opened made him divert his attention, and his eyes made out a bulky man in his forties. He has a huge scar on his forehead that is too visible since he was robbed of all the hair on his head. It was Gello, his right hand. “Boss, the damages in Brasserie have been settled,” he assured. “Good to hear that.” Gello has been with him for almost half of his life. Before he encountered him, he was nothing but a street brute who spent most of his days mugging people. It was then until he met the Belmonte patriarch who did not only give him clothes and shelter, but also gave him honor and the reason to live. “It looks like the young miss will not willingly accede to your plans.” He chuckled. “She really reminds me of my younger self.” “So, what will you do now, Boss? The Consunjis will surely demand you to hand them Sol who beat the crap out of Ohm.” Wile looked back at Sol drove off towards the direction of the garage. “We can’t yield him up to them. My daughter will surely never allow that.” “But Boss, that might blight your plan to wed her to the Consunji heir.” The business tycoon turned to him and grinned. “Ricardo is a very considerate man. He’s easy to convince.” “And the young miss? You know that she’s not just a little girl anymore. She’s now with authority and with her own wealth.” Gello watched as his boss found himself his seat. He placed both his elbows on his desk and knotted his fingers in front of his face. “You worry too much, Gello. We will still go as planned—starting with the diminishing of my daughter’s might.”
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