1210 Words

He helped them both, and helped himself, and drained his glass, and stood it bottom upward on the table, as though he had just caught a bluebottle in it. ‘ And now, Mr. Edwin,’ he proceeded, wiping his mouth and hands upon his handkerchief: ‘to a little piece of business. You received from me, the other day, a certified copy of Miss Rosa’s father’s will. You knew its contents before, but you received it from me as a matter of business. I should have sent it to Mr. Jasper, but for Miss Rosa’s wishing it to come straight to you, in preference. You received it?’ ‘ Quite safely, sir.’ ‘ You should have acknowledged its receipt,’ said Mr. Grewgious; ‘business being business all the world over. However, you did not.’ ‘ I meant to have acknowledged it when I first came in this evenin

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