The Summit- Part 2

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Bane P.O.V We were so late. I’d already gotten a call from one of the Council members. I had to explain that the trip was taking longer than we thought, and we had car troubles a few times. Blew a tire once, hit a dear another time. It was just not going well for us at all. As we approached the Summit grounds, I could feel my wolf getting a little stir crazy. I just chalked it up to the fact we’d been stuck in this car for WAY longer than we wanted to be. Egan pulled up to the empty lodge house and we all bolted out. We still needed to shower and change before heading to the ballroom. I feel like we all got ready in record time, and still looked damn good. Even Veronica looked stunning. I could see Egan’s eyes turning black and I laughed, he was so whipped, and I told him that every moment I could. His response was always the same. You’ll understand when you find your mate. I hope he was right, I wanted him to be right. We made our way over to the hall and I was hit with the most intoxicating smell just before the doors to the hall were opened by Egan. What was that? Lavender, jasmine and vanilla. It was amazing. My wolf was going insane and I knew. She was here. Our mate. Our beloved. Our Queen. I felt Egan nudge me to the two giant doors that opened to the ballroom and I took a deep breath in. There were going to be people I didn’t want to see in there. There was going to be my mate, my world. I watched as the doors opened, and I could hear it, her beautiful laugh filled the room. It was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. I didn’t look for her, not yet. I had to wait to be introduced before stepping foot into the room. Stupid tradition if you ask me. “ Announcing Bane Thompson of Ember Moon.” All eyes turned to me. Some were pleasant, then there were the ones that were filled with anger. I really didn’t want to see him. I hated that he was still the Alpha. I took a step into the room, followed by Egan and Veronica. I felt eyes on me, they seemed to be staring a hole into my soul. I dared take a look, and boy did I regret it. There she was, standing in the middle of four guys. A ping of jealousy hit me. They didn’t need to be that close to what is mine, but I controlled myself. I totally got lost in her eyes, they were wide and blue and beautiful. I was about to take step towards her direction when someone stepped in front of me, almost causing me to growl. “Hello, son. “ His voice sent the unpleasant kind of shiver down my spine. I straightened up and looked up at him, my face showing no emotion.  “Hello, Father.” I returned his greeting with an icy cold tone. I did not want to do this now. I wanted to meet my mate, feel her close to me. He was getting in the way of that. I glanced behind him and noticed the four guys she was with were now shielding her, backs to me. Maybe they were just her guards. That put me at ease for a moment at least while I dealt with the man in front of me.  Bailey P.O.V. Apparently the last pack leader was having some travel troubles and was way later than expected. I chatted with a few familiar faces, I even met the new alphas that had recently came into power. They were so young, but ever so nice. You could tell they were new to this Alpha thing, and it surprised them to know I was the female Alpha they heard so much about. The guys and I were standing off to the side, mingling amongst ourselves when we heard the doors open. I hadn’t looked yet, I was busy texting Macy about the pack and the Summit, laughing out loud at her joke, causing Chase to raise his brow at me. But then then I smelt it. Cinnamon and Apples, almost like an apple pie. My eyes shot up from my phone and I looked at the door, my eyes widening as he walked through the door. He must have felt it too because now we were staring at each other. My wolf made herself known and was going insane. How was this possible? A second chance mate is so rare. I couldn’t stop myself from starting at him as he was announced. Bane. Gosh even his name sounded mouth watering. I could tell he wanted to come over here and my heart dropped, this couldn’t happen. I had Chase, how was I going to tell him this? That man deserves so much, and I’m taking it away. I backed up into the chair that was behind me and slumped down as soon as the other Alpha blocked my mates view of me. The guys were instantly surrounding me, concern all over their faces. I didn’t even need to say anything. Chase was wrapping me in a hug before I could get the words out of my mouth. “B, it’s okay. We knew it could happen.” He whispered, so sweetly. Why did he have to be so sweet about this? “What could happen?” I heard Ty ask, he as always so oblivious to everything going on. “Is she okay, Chase? What’s happening?” Matt asked, concern lacing his voice. “Can one of you tell me- OH! No way!” Cam started, and then it seemed to hit him and he looked behind him at Bane. “HIM?” It was nearly a shout, but there was so much going on that no one noticed. He looked back at me, eyes wide and I just nodded. Matt and Ty exchanged looks, poor babies were still confused. “Mate.” Chase was the one that spoke, and their eyes widened, glancing over at Bane. “I can’t meet him, guys. What if- what if he’s like him. I will break more than I already have.” The words came out barely a whisper, thank god for werewolf hearing. Otherwise I don’t think the guys would have heard me. They all started talking all at once, making me give a small smile. “I’ll kill him before he does that to you.” Chase. “He has an entire pack to go through if he hurts you, B. We’d never let him touch you.” Ty. “He’ll be different, you just have to have some faith, Bails.” Cam, the logic one. “He won't make it out of this room if he’s like that. I’ll chop him up and serve him for dinner.” And there’s Matt. Always so aggressive. I just gave them a nod before my eyes drifted over to Bane. He was heading over here with a woman and another male. I assumed one of them was his Beta. I cleared my throat and nodded my head towards them so the boys would look before I stood up. I straightened my dress out and stood up tall. Above all I am an Alpha. I tapped on Chase’s shoulder, as he was standing in front of me. “Chase move to the side love. “ I said softly and felt him tense a little before giving a nod and stepping to the side, allowing me to finally look at the full image of my mate walking towards me. He was well built, at least six foot. He looked like he worked out every single hour of the day, he was toned and sexy as hell. My eyes finally made their way up to his face, and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. He had a knowing smirk on his lips, his eyes fighting for control as he stared at me. It felt like the world had stopped and it was just the two of us as the three of them stopped just in front of us. Our eyes didn’t leave each other, but he held out his hand. I took it without thinking, and he brought it up to his lips, leaving a small kiss on my knuckles. I had to close my eyes and his lips made contact to my skin, sending sparks throughout my entire body. These sparks seemed different than the ones from my rejected mate. These were pleasurable, and strong. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, which I gladly returned. “I’ve been waiting my entire life for you, my beautiful mate.” His words came out like velvet, and I was already falling for him, despite my brain telling me to be stronger than the bond.
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