Chapter 16

1295 Words
Cole We drove our bikes in tandem, the hum of the engines vibrating in my stomach. At least, that was what I was telling myself. There was no way I would admit that I was nervous about taking Harley to meet Emily, that was just too "girlfriend scenario" for me. "Do you think she'll like me?" Harley had asked before we left, and I'd merely said "of course!" Inside I was worried that it wouldn't be the case. We'd made the decision to go to the orphanage, hoping that it would trigger some sort of memory for her. Jay wasn't on board - we had to fill him in of course. He thought that the past should stay in the past, and if it were anyone else I would probably agree. But it wasn't just anyone else, and Harley's life was linked to mine - and Alana's and August's lives - that forgetting the past and moving on just wasn't an option. The orphanage hadn't changed much over the years. The large building had become slightly rundown since the last time I had laid eyes on it, but the flower bushes lining the exterior walls made it look inviting. "Do you think anyone is here?" Harley asked as she looked around at the empty garden. The words had barely exited her mouth before the front doors swung open and a middle aged woman with pale blonde hair stepped cautiously down the stairs. I found myself grinning as I pulled off my helmet and dropped it onto the seat, not caring as it slid off and landed on the ground. I could see the moment Emily recognized me, tears streamed down her face as she ran to my and wrapped her arms around me, bringing memories of her comforting me as a little boy to mind. "You didn't tell me you were coming home," she chastised, smacking me on my bicep as she laughed through the tears. "I thought I'd surprise you," I returned with a grin, giving her a quick squeeze. "Besides, I have someone to introduce you to." Harley was holding her breath - obviously nervous. She smiled weakly as Emily turned to inspect her quickly. "Em, this is Harley," I said with a grin. "Although you might remember her as April." Seconds later, Harley was smothered in a hug while Emily sobbed in her hair, mumbling incoherent nonsense. I didn't stop her, knowing how responsible she had felt for April's disappearance. This was basically as if April had come back to life in her eyes. "April… Harley," she stopped herself and let the new name roll off her tongue. "Let's get you inside." The two walked arm in arm up the stairs, disappearing inside. With a sigh, I followed them into Em's office and shut the door behind me, winking at the little boy who was peeking out from the opposite room. "You have to tell me everything," Emily said as she sat down in her office chair and picked up the hideous doll from its place of honour on her desk - the doll Alana had returned to Em not long after she and Rhett went on the run. I gave her the shortened version of what Harley had told me, leaving out the parts which I knew would upset the woman who was like my mother. "So you have no memory at all?" Emily asked as she stroked the doll's hair lovingly. When Harley shook her head sadly she continued, "and here we all thought you were just hiding yourself away." "I'm going to give Harley a tour to see if it triggers any memories," I interjected, saving Emily from the depressive spiral I knew she was starting on. "Oh, that's a wonderful idea, Wynter. You go ahead, I need to sort out the little ones anyway. It's snack time for them." Emily flounced out of the room, her heels tapping on the wooden floor as she crossed the hall outside. Harley looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. "You never did tell me how your name change came about." I sighed and stood up, holding a hand out to her. "Let me show you around and I'll tell you the story." She nodded and took my hand, letting me lead her outside to the gardens where I knew she had spent most of her awake periods. "I left the orphanage the Summer after I turned seventeen, when I realised that I was no longer affected by the curse. I'd been known as Wynter for my whole life, but it was just the name I was given by the scientists and not the name my birth mother had given me. That year I met my biological mother's family, and they told me the story of my mother - the young woman who fell in love with the military man who promised her the world. It didn't end well for her. She died making sure that we were safe from my father's clutches," I sighed and bent down to pick a dandelion, passing the yellow flower to Harley. "It was my mother who named me Cole. Cole Daniel Roberts." It still felt strange saying the name aloud, actually having a surname instead of the generic one the rest of the children in the orphanage were given. "So you went back to Cole in memory of your mother?" Harley asked and I nodded. "That's sweet." We walked in silence for a while before I realised I should be giving her the grand tour so I told her some of the stories she had written about; pointing out where she had hidden from Miss Olivia and the tree she had got stuck in and refused to try come down until Emily climbed up with her. We sat on the hill above the orphanage and watched the children playing on the grass. It was nice, peaceful, and it felt like home. And then it started to rain. We joined the children, laughing and shouting as we ran for cover. "Come on," I shouted, taking Harley's hand as the rain pelted us. We ran indoors, finding a laughing Emily wiping rain from the little kids faces and wrapping them in towels. "You two might want to get changed before you catch a cold," she smiled, her eyes moving to Harley and my joined hands. "You'd probably be better off spending the night here too." It was clear that we probably didn't have a choice so I accepted the sheets she thrust into my arms and showed Harley up the three flights of stairs. "So is this the part where you slit my throat?" Harley panted breathlessly, clinging to the railing as she tried to regain her breath. I chuckled and shook my head at her. "Nah, I'm saving that for tomorrow," I teased, pushing open the door to the familiar room. She rolled her eyes at me behind my back as she followed me into the room. It was small with two single beds which had been pushed together from when Rhett and Alana had spent a few nights. I made short work of putting he bedding on the beds military style before I joined Harley at the window as she looked out. "I feel like I should know something, remember something - but I don't," she said sadly. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her warm body through our drenched clothing. She sighed and leaned into my embrace, her head resting in the crook of my neck. My heart thumped against my ribs as she trailed her hands up my chest, her eyes meeting mine, lips parted slightly. And then she pulled my head down to hers and engulfed me in a kiss.
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