Chapter 9

1361 Words
Harley I watched in horror as Cole ran - literally ran - to get away from me. Was I THAT much of a freak that guys found the need to escape the moment things got slightly intimate. I mean, we were just making out. I swore under my breath and stared at myself in the reflection of the floor length mirror that Jay had hung up beside the coat rack by the front door. I wasn’t hideous. I mean, I wasn’t drop dead gorgeous either, but I wasn’t a monster. I was probably a bit curvier than the chicks Cole obviously attracted, my backside refusing to shrink from a size ten no matter how much dieting and exercise I put in. My blonde hair had a slight curl to it and, in some lights, looked as if it was shot through with golden threads - another reason Jay insisted on my nickname. Nothing about me stood out or screamed sexy, but nothing would encourage guys to run away screaming in terror either. And yet, he had. The panic in Cole's eyes was unmistakable. I was angry at myself for thinking that maybe this relationship with Cole - whatever you might call it - would turn into something more. It clearly wasn't going to. Part of me questioned if I should tell him that I was the friend he lost years ago. That I'd changed from being the scrawny, pale skinned child with sad blue eyes that he carried a photo of. But no, I wasn't going to do that to both myself and Jay - that was a secret best kept. I grabbed a slice of pizza before I threw what was left into containers and put them in the fridge to be eaten for lunch at some point in the week. Or for when Cole finally returned and decided he was still hungry. He had to return… his bike was still broken. I wasn't going to wait for him though. Instead, I had a hot shower, poured myself a mug of hot chocolate and locked myself in my room with my favourite hits from the 80's pumping from my old stereo. At some point in the evening - probably between the tub of icecream and the bag of pretzels - I decided that Cole just wasn't worth my time and tears. I was going to resist his charm, even if he turned it on full blast. I was going to resist him because I was worth more than the yoyo relationship he was clearly only able to offer. I fell asleep with a plan in my head and a smile on my face. I was going to make him wish he could be with me, but this time I was going to reject him. No more sappy Harley, I was going to be as badass as the bike I was named after. The next morning I dressed completely in black from my tank top and leather jacket, to my black tights and knee high stiletto boots. I knew I looked fierce. I'd even done my makeup to mimic the dramatic theme of my outfit. Judging by Jay's expression when he saw me, I'd achieved my goal. There was an unspoken rule about the dress code of the chicks who attended bike rallys; either you dress to the nines, or you dress down to the point where the guys can't tell you're female. Jay preferred when I dressed down. "Don't bother telling me to go and change, Jay. It's not going to happen," I warned him as I exited my room and put the kettle on. "I wasn't, angel. I just don't like knowing the young bucks there will be having…" he paused for a moment before he continued, "thoughts about you." I kissed his cheek and smiled sweetly at him, grateful for the millionth time that he had become my "father". "They can look but they can't touch, don't you worry. I'm not going to get into any trouble." He nodded but I could tell by the set of his jaw that he definitely wasn't happy about my outfit of choice, and he was probably regretting letting us go this year. I knew he was really wanting to go to see if his son, Jason, was going to pitch up. The gang he now hung out with almost always attended. I heard the bathroom door open with its usual squeak, alerting me to Cole's presence. I could almost feel his eyes find me and I held my breath for a second before I schooled my face and turned to him. "Good morning Cole," I smiled as sweetly as I could. "Would you like some coffee?" The look on his face was priceless… in fact if I could have taken a photo of it to frame I totally would have. He stood there opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish, and it was everything I could have hoped for. "Yeah, thanks," he eventually replied, going to sit beside Jay. He shot Jay a look but Jay just shook his head as if to tell him not to comment on my outfit of choice. Both men sat in silence as they drank their coffee and ate breakfast muffins, but I could feel their eyes following me as I went about my usual routine. By the time we climbed on our bikes, the emotions rolling off of Cole were palpable. He revved the Yamaha a few times before Jay pulled out of the driveway on his chopper, me close behind with Cole taking the rear position. We stopped next to a bunch of bikers who were familiar, greeting them as we entered the rally grounds. "Harley! You made it!" I heard as a guy who looked more at home on a surfboard than a bike strode purposefully my way. "Hey Tanner," I smiled and hugged him, not missing the scowl on Cole's face. "I wouldn't have missed it, knowing you'd be here." A tad flirty, but Tanner was pretty oblivious so it was almost guaranteed that he didn't pick it up. "You keen to go check out the stalls? I've just got here so haven't had a chance," Tanner practically dragged me toward gazebos set up to the side of the rally grounds. I waved at Jay and saw from the corner of my eye that he patted Cole on the shoulder and said something to him before he went toward the bar where his friends had claimed a table. Cole looked around, seeming slightly lost before he headed toward the bike displays. "So, what's new?" I asked Tanner as we wandered through different stalls, examining different items for sale. "Ah, well I failed my psych evaluation to get into the permanent post to be a firefighter - said I was too impulsive and made stupid errors so would be a hazard on the team," he said sadly. "I'm so sorry, I know it's been your dream since you were a little kid. I'm sure something will come along that you'll love just as much," I replied, hugging him tightly. "Until then, at least you can still volunteer, right?" "Yeah, under supervision. Chief has been really nice about the whole thing, but it still means that I can't make a career out of it," he sighed as he hugged me back. "Anyway, enough about me. What's new in your zoo? And why does that guy you rode in with keep staring at us? You look darn hot, by the way. Very unlike you though, so what's up?" "Woah there, ADHD," I giggled as my brain struggled to keep up with him. "That is Cole, Jay is helping him fix his bike. Sparks have been flying but he's literally running away from anything between us, and I'm sick of being toyed with, so I'm ignoring him." A sneaky grin spread across Tanner's face and I knew he was thinking something that could get us into trouble. "Let's make him jealous, then." His words reached my ears mere seconds before his arms wrapped around my waist and he buried his head in my neck.
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