14 Roast Pterodactyl –––––––– As it turned out—it was actually pretty good: closer to duck, I think, than anything else; more red meat than white, coppery and gamey, with a generous layer of fat. As for how it paired with warm Mountain Dew—well, you might be surprised; but then anything can be good with the right company and the right circumstances, which, as I took stock of the crackling fire and unfurled sleeping bags, the defensive wire comprised of cyclone fencing and canted spears, the raging waterfall, the serene moon—I knew these to be. You just had to be in a certain frame of mind; a certain mood; or to have survived something most people your age hadn’t. “And now,” said Quint, letting out a belch, “a moment of reflection.” He dug through his bag and pulled something out; someth