Chapter 4: So, Can We Make the Most Out of No Time? (1 of 2)

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My Dad got saved by a stranger’s deepest and darkest secret, I barely made him back before the given time but still he made it out alive from another dimension and that’s what matters the most. A month later, I had another weird dream again on my sweet sixteen birthday and my gut is telling me that it’s another dream oracle. In my dream, I’m riding a black horse with a plant with bluish grey, greenish, or sea-coloured leaves, I’m not sure of the colour really, on it’s head like a crown. It’s not a scary dream like the first two I had before but when I woke up in the morning, I just feel so weird between my legs. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but my body feels so hot, and I can’t help but do something lewd first thing in the morning. My hands roam around my body as I moan in pleasure while fondling my own chest and rubbing my fingers in puss. I’m in my own fantasy world when suddenly my Mom barged in to my room, yeah, she caught me m**********g in bed. A long silence between me and my mom filled my bedroom as we stared at each other blankly. “Breakfast is ready.” Mom locked the door from the inside before she closed as she leaves my bedroom. “I want to disappear right now.” I took one of my pillows and put it on my face as I scream out loud to let out my frustration. I came down to have a breakfast with my parents after I pulled myself together, but I can’t look at my Mom’s eyes staring at me. “Did you wash your hands before you came down here?” Mom asked. “Oh gosh, Mom, yes I do wash my hands!” I’m annoyed with her teasing but I can’t help it she caught my embarrassing moment. “Haha. I just want to make sure that you didn’t forget to wash your hands before you hold that sandwich and gobble that sausage.” Mom keeps on making fun of me. “What’s going on with you two?” Dad sensing the atmosphere between me and Mom. “Mind telling me what you girls are into?” “It’s a girl thing, honey, but I’m pretty sure boys do it too regularly than girls.” Mom giving Dad a hint. “Mom! Stop it, please!” raising my voice at her out of embarrassment. “Hahaha. Happy Sweet Sixteen, young lady.” Mom smiling at me. “Hmm … I think I know now. Hahaha.” Dad comprehended the situation. “Now, I’m not sure if I should allow you to that road trip with Alexa, are you sure you’re all girls and no boys??!” “Dad, everyone in high school thinks that I’m a freak who do you think will hit on me?” rolling my eyes on him. “No, sweetheart, you’re not a freak, you’re just special.” Dad holding my hand to console me from my self-pity statement. “You’re just saying it because you’re my Dad but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m different from everyone.” almost done with my breakfast. “Good thing I have Alexa, I’m not a complete outcast.” “Sweetie. Stop being so hard on yourself, you don’t need much negativity in life. Although, you got one right, you have a true friend on your side, it’s actually better than lot of fake friends.” Mom said. Mom’s right, and I also prefer having one true friend than a lot of fake friends around me. But high school is like a popularity contest, a survival show, and a soap opera, I can’t believe I’m on all of them for two years now. I’m popular not because I’m the prettiest or hottest girl in the campus but because everyone in school knows that I can see ghosts. Most kids make fun of me, some avoids me like I have a contagious disease, but some thinks that I got superpowers and I’m a cool kid. Well that was the incident when a huge man trying to get my attention, he actually died from heart attack and he’s been haunting me until I did what he wanted me to do for him to crossover. He lifted my desk and seat that made me look like I’m levitating, he done it in the middle of the class, everyone freaked out of course. Ghosts are overbearing most of the time specially when they found out that you can interact with them, they’re attention-seekers. “Hey, birthday girl!” Alexa peeking from the backseat window of the Volkswagen van. “Are you ready for our road trip?! Oh, hi Uncle Yoo Ahn!” waving her hands to my dad who’s standing beside me. “Hello Alexa!” Dad greeted her back. “Take care of Desa for us, will you?” peeking at the front seat of the van. “Hello, girls!” “Hello, Mr. Ha.” Belle, our driver for the trip, greeted my Dad back. “Afternoon, Mr. Ha.” Chanel who’s at the passenger seat turn her head to my Dad. “Don’t worry I won’t let Desa out of my sight.” “That’s rest assuring, Chanel.” Dad replied. “You girls have fun on your trip, but not too much fun, alright?” “Oh, they’re here!” Mom came out from the house with a picnic basket. “Handle it with care, sweetheart, unless you want the icing all over the box, have fun with the girls.” handing me the basket. “Mom … you baked a cake for me??” glancing at her as I smile when I saw a plastic box of cake inside the basket. “Thanks, Mom!” “A birthday won’t be complete without a cake, Happy Birthday Desa.” giving me a warm embrace. “I’m a bit sad that you’re not celebrating your birthday with me and your dad now that you’re 16, but if this is what makes you happy on your day.” “Uhh … Mom.” pulling away from her gently. “We’ll have a belated birthday celebration when I come back on Monday. I promise.” “We’ll wait for you to come home.” Mom smiling at me. “You deserve to have fun after everything happened in our family.” caressing my cheek as she turns to the girls in the van. “Girls! I made a lot of meals for you to share, have a safe and happy trip!” “We will, Aunt Jung Yoo.” Alexa responded to my Mom. “Thanks for the food, we’re sure now that we won’t starve. Haha.” she gets off from the van to help me with my stuffs. “Gosh, Desa it’s just 3 days and 2 nights, do you have to pack your whole house in your luggage?!” “I need everything in that luggage, Alexa.” rolling my eyes on her. “Also, I’m pretty sure you’ll use them too.” “Whatever, girl scout.” Alexa loading my luggage inside the van. “I’m going now, Mom … Dad. Enjoy your days and nights without me in the house. Maybe I could still have a sibling.” teasing them. “Oh, shut it! Just go! Don’t make the girls wait for you for too long!” Mom giving me a push to walk towards the van. “I love you, sweetie.” “I love you too, Mom.” walking backwards as I look at my parents. “Dad, Mom is all yours, have fun you two. I love you, Dad!” getting in at the backseat of the van. “I love you, baby girl!” Dad putting his arm on my Mom’s shoulders. “Belle, drive safely and keep your eyes on the road always, alright?” “Yes, Mr. Ha.” Belle said in a loud voice for my Dad to hear. “Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Ha.” Chanel bidding farewell to my parents as Belle steps on the gas. “How I wish my parents are just like yours.” “At least your parents are still together, Chanel.” Belle uttered. “You’re luckier than I am, because mine are separated.” “Alright, you two, before you start bickering again, let’s see what Aunt Jung Yoo prepared for us.” Alexa cutting off the conversation of the two before they got into fight again like they typically do. Belle Troy and Chanel Sevens, they’re supposed to be a year ahead of me and Alexa in school year but they had an accident on summer before the start of their 2nd year. Their best friend Aria Singles drowned on the lake and it was Aria’s ghost who approached me to reconcile these two. They both stopped for a year to recover from the accident, physically, emotionally, and mentally but when they come back to school, they became distant from each other like strangers. I succeeded reconciling them but I guess catfighting become their habit and they couldn’t last a day without being savage to each other. Since then, they’re hanging with me and Alexa, but I’m not sure yet if they’re my friends or not because they only like my ability. “Is that Jacob?!” Alexa spotted her crush outside the mart where we stopped to do grocery. “Oh, my gosh, it really is him!!” giggling. “Well, your birthday is in a week, so I made some arrangements for you Alexa.” Belle looked back at us. “I know you got a crush on my step brother, I asked him to come with us and he asked his friends to come too, advanced Happy Sweet Sixteen Birthday Alexa!” “Oh my gosh!” Alexa can’t contain her happiness from Belle’s surprise gift to her upcoming birthday. “I can’t believe it!” squeezing my hands. “Desa, it’s Jacob! Jacob is coming with us in this trip!” “Yeah, I heard it, I’m not deaf.” I’m happy for her but I’m a bit anxious with Jacob and his friends. Jacob Bixen, he used to bully me when we’re in middle school but when we started in high school, he finally lost interest in me and spend his time flirting with girls. He’s the campus heartthrob because he’s hot like American models in magazines but still I see him as a jerk and his friends are not different from him. I don’t know why Alexa fall for the guy who used to make my middle school a living hell but I can’t blame her because Jacob got the looks. “Hey, step sister!” Jacob called out to Belle when we all got off from the car. “Did Dad give you money when you left the house earlier?” “Yeah, why, step brother?!” Belle grabbing a push cart from the side. “That’s unfair! He didn’t even give a single cent when he knows that I’m going on a trip too!” Jacob whining at her like a kid. “Mom gave you an allowance that supposed to be mine, so what’s unfair with that?!” Belle rolled her eyes at him. Belle Mom remarried Jacob’s Dad, 2 years ago and that’s probably one of the factors that influenced him to stop being a bully to me. “Well, well, well, look who we got here.” Jacob turn his attention to me. “Long time no see, Desa.” putting his arm around my shoulders. “I don’t remember that we’re close for you to put your arm around me, Jacob.” taking his arm off from me. “Hey, don’t be like that!” Jacob keeps on pestering me. “We’re already in high school, it’s not like we’re strangers for us not to greet each other.” smirking. “Leave Desa alone Jacob.” Chanel pulled me on her side. “It’s her birthday today so don’t make her in a bad mood.” “Ah, right. It’s 24th of August today!” Jacob exclaimed. “See, I still remember your birthday Desa, even you stopped inviting me on your party after we graduated from elementary.” “You never come anyway after what happened on my 7th birthday, just like everyone, only Alexa remained to be friends with me.” I said as I took Alexa by the arm while she’s gushing over him. “Hello, Jacob.” Alexa acting cute to Jacob. “Hello, Alexa. What’s wrong with your best friend?!” Jacob trying to provoke me by using Alexa. “Why can’t she put everything behind? It’s already in the past. Can’t she move on??” “Tch. I got no time for this crap. I’ll go to the dairy section. Let’s split up to make this fast.” I told Chanel and Alexa who’s completely smitten to Jacob that she couldn’t take her eyes off him. “Oh, alright, I’ll go get the beverages.” Chanel said. “I’ll come with you Chanel.” Craig uttered, Jacob’s best friend since elementary, who’s pursuing Chanel persistently. “Up to you.” Chanel leaves first with Craig. “What are you going to get in the dairy section, Desa?” Hyde calls my attention as I run through the list, he’s Jacob’s partner in bullying, but he’s less despicable than Jacob. “It’s fine, I can go on my own.” I left immediately but Hyde still followed me to the dairy section. “Here.” Hyde handing me a pack of cupcakes. “I heard it’s your birthday today, cupcakes are mini version of cakes, right?” “It’s alright. I already had cake with the girls while we’re heading here.” choosing what brand of loaf bread to get from the shelf. “Are there leftovers?” helping me to get the bread on the top shelf. “Thanks. Yes, we only ate half of it anyway, saving the rest for later but if you want, I can give you a decent slice.” walking forward. “Sure.” he walks with me as I can sense that he keeps on staring at me for whatever reason he has in mind. Hyde was my classmate for 3 years straight in middle school, he wasn’t a bully at first but when he become friends with Jacob, he started showing his bad boy side. But unlike Jacob, Hyde never went overboard in bullying, he knows when he’s being too much and he apologizes for what he done. That’s why I’m not that annoyed with him than I am with Jacob but still I couldn’t let my guard down on him, after all he’s Jacob’s friend. “What took you two so long??!” Jacob crossing his arms like he’s mad. “I had a situation, sorry.” I put all the stuffs I gathered in the cart. “She got crazy on her own and I had to cover up for her and not let the other customers freak out with her weirdness.” Hyde uttered. “Yeah, I almost forgot that this girl sees dead people.” Jacob said in a loud voice that made everyone else in the line look at me. “You never changed.” I sneer at Jacob. “Belle, may I go to the van first?” asking Belle for the car key. “Here. Sorry, about my jerk step brother.” Belle handed me the key. “I’ll come with you, Desa.” Alexa coming along with me as I take my leave towards the parking lot. “I think Jacob, didn’t mean that.” “Whatever, I’m already used to people like him who makes fun of me. I don’t care anymore, I just don’t want to stay there and let him make me a freak show.” walking towards the Volkswagen van. “Sorry, if I’m not there for you when you need me.” Alexa holding my hand while looking apologetic. “It’s fine. Hyde actually had me covered like he said though I never expect that he’ll do such thing for me.” getting in at the backseat as soon as I open the car door. “Hmm … Hyde, huh? Well he’s second to Jacob when it comes to hotness, also I noticed the way he looked at you earlier.” Alexa smiling at me. “Hyde likes you Desa.” “Yeah, right. I think you should stop reading romantic novels because you’re being delusional on judging people.” taking out the cake from the box to get a slice as I remember that I’ll give Hyde a piece. “You want to make a bet that he has a crush on you?” Alexa grins. “Hyde Mele has a crush on me??!” looking at her in disbelief. “Are you kidding me?” scoffs. “We both know what kind of girls he dates.” “Yeah, but how do you explain the way he looks at you?!” Alexa still insists her absurd theory about Hyde. “I don’t know and I don’t care, I don’t want to assume impossible things.” shaking my head. “I know my place, no one in their right mind will like me. Specially someone who knows about what I can do.” “Geez. Desa. You’re so unaware how you look like because you never look yourself in the mirror.” crossing her arms. “You’re pretty Desa.” “You’re just saying it because you’re my best friend but I’m not buying it. I never put effort on myself because it won’t make sense to me anyway. Just a waste of time and energy.” rolling my eyes. “That’s why I envy you more. You don’t need make up to cover up because you were born beautiful, you’re all natural.” she said. “Alright, I’m feeling better now if that’s what you’re trying to do. I’m good so you don’t have to continue on …” I got cut off when the car door suddenly slides open and Jacob meet my eyes. “Where should I put these grocery bags?” Jacob averted his gaze. “I’ll take it.” Alexa responded to him immediately as she took the bags from Jacob one by one. I help Alexa to arrange the bags so I just turn my back on him and get myself busy in organizing rather than see his annoying face. “Jacob, you should give the key first to Smith before you leave.” Hyde’s voice. “Is that the cake you told me about, Desa??” “Huh?” I look back and see Hyde standing beside Jacob. “Ah, yes.” ... To be Continued ...
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