Chapter 14

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Lily’s POV Oh My Moon Goddess! What just happened here? Why did Louis say that? Did he and Lucy use to date or something? How could that be possible? I thought everyone in this kingdom hated Lucy except her parents. My head was going to explode! I froze to the spot at his unexpected kiss and widened my eyes in surprise. Louis retreated a few steps from me immediately as he realized how inappropriate his behavior was. I mean, he just kissed a married woman and told her he loved her! “Sorry.” He gave out a fake cough as his eyes fixed on the floor in embarrassment. I noticed he blushed a little bit, which made him really cute! But no! He looked so much like my brother. I couldn’t think of him that way. It would be so weird! I patted my cheeks with both my hands to calm myself down, then tried my best to speak to him causally, “It’s Okay. But I think we should head back. It’s time for me to go home…with my husband.” “Yeah, it’s about time.” He said with uncovered disappointment in his beautiful blue eyes. I bit my bottom lip to suppress my impulse to comfort him. I really like him very much, but only in a family way. If he loves Lucy in a different way, then I should keep the distance between them. After all, I’m not the real Lucy and I have my own mission to fulfill, which means I must maintain my marriage with Aries carefully. “Sorry.” I apologized to him involuntarily. He said nothing, then helped me get out of the well. Once we landed on the ground, I said good-bye to him, then ran towards the front door. That’s unexpected. Cora sighed in my head. I agreed, “Yeah, Louis and Lucy? How could that even be possible?” Cora paused a few seconds before she spoke, Actually, when he kissed you, I felt something. “What?” I started to worry because of her tone. Don’t give me another explosive message, please. I had gotten too much striking information today! Well, Cora hesitated but told me what she felt, I think they are mates. Louis and Lucy. But the mate bond was faint and weak. I just felt it for like a second. Maybe they rejected each other. I almost dropped my jaw to the floor, “No way! If Louis’s Lucy’s mate. Why didn’t Lucy marry him but Aries? I mean, Louis is like a thousand times better than Aries, right? Aries is a creepy monster who might eat her alive!” Yeah. Cora sighed, I guess we have to figure out why Lucy married Aries in the first place. I hope it has something to do with purifying his blood. As we spoke, we reached the front door and saw Aries. He was standing beside our huge black carriage with Anne and waiting for me. With those pitiful thin clothes wrapping around his slender body, he’s freezing and trembling. His face was purple and his body was shaking. With all the hatred I held for him, I still felt a bit sorry that he was treated like this. Don’t be. Cora reminded me harshly, Remember what Louis told us? He’s just pretending to be pathic. We must be careful not to be fooled by his appearance. We just got one chance to change history. And we must do it right or we’ll lose our family and friends forever. “Don’t worry. I know what I should do.” I swept my pity for him away, then got into the carriage with Anne’s help. Aries followed me and Anne to get into the carriage. He tried to close the door, but his hands were frozen. He couldn’t even curl his fingers successfully. Anne reached out and closed the door for us. The carriage started to drive us back immediately. “Why don’t you wait for me inside the house? I assume they didn’t chase you out, right?” I can’t help but ask him. Why was I caring about him so much?! It felt so strange. Aries looked at me with a frown on his forehead, “I thought you'd done with your memory-lost joke.” So it’s true. The servants in Beta’s house chased him out. They don’t like him staying in their house. I can’t help but feel angry about this. “You have to stop letting them treat you like this. You’re my husband, which means you’re one of the royal family. You can let the servants disrespect you like that.” I said that in a harsh tone. He lifted up his brows while looking at me, “What is wrong with you? You have been acting weird since yesterday.” I clenched my jaw, trying my best to pull a porker face at him, “Nothing wrong with me. I just need you to stop acting like a pushover. I know you once ate a warrior, so stop pretending you can be bossed round by those servants.” I hated myself so much for bringing that thing up. I should ignore him and focus on purifying his blood, as Cora said. But I just can’t bear to see him being bullied like this. What the hell is going on with me? I was supposed to hate him to the guts and enjoy watching him suffering, right? Anne twitched frightenedly when she heard the warrior thing and hugged herself in horror. Aries slit his eyes and let out a vicious smile around his lips, “You’re not frightened. Why aren’t you fear of me?” I rolled my eyes mentally as I remembered how badly I wanted to kill him when I was still Lily. There’s no point to fear something or someone you want to take down so desperately. But I couldn’t tell him that, so I just blabbed randomly, “Why should I? You’re my husband, which means you belong to me. Why would I fear something which actually belongs to me?” He pressed his lips into a thin line because of my answer. I just stared into his eyes with anger and fury burning in mine. But I’m not angry with him, but with myself. Why on earth did I care about him so much?! Maybe because of the mate bond. Suddenly, Cora spoke in my head in horror. We can’t feel the bond with him in Lucy’s body. But he’s indeed our mate, right? What if the mate bond could affect us without even letting us notice? I don’t want him to be our mate. Lily, please, don’t fall for him. At the end, Cora was almost crying. My face turned pale at Cora’s guess, but there was no way I would let that stupid mate bond or something like that affect me. What I am doing right now is purely for the mission of purifying his damn blood. And when that was done, I will reject him immediately and beat him to death as the payment of what he done to my family. “Then you shouldn’t kiss him.” To my surprise, he didn’t retort or scare me with some mysterious power he possessed, but dropped a sentence like that which made me really confused. “What do you mean?” I frowned and asked him impatiently. He gritted his teeth while he spoke. The venom in his voice surprised me, “You kissed Louis, didn’t you?” I pressed my lips as I felt a little bit of guilty. But it’s just a peck of the lips. How could he know about that? “You smell like him.” As if seeing through my thoughts, he added ruthlessly. I was embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. Then I remembered he’s my husband, but he loves Anna, not me. “It’s none of your business.” I said that immediately with an arrogant tone, trying my best to present Lucy’s selfish character in front of him, “I can kiss anyone I want.” Aries slit his eyes again. I could tell though he hated Lucy, he’s definitely not fine with her cheating on him. He just kept staring at me for like two minutes. Then he spoke to me with the coldest and the most venomous voice I ever heard, “I don’t like cheat. If you want him, you must divorce me first.” I had no intention of cheating on him, but it’s ridiculous to hear that from him. “You don’t get to say that, Aries. I’m your wife but I know you love Anna instead of me, so you have no right to tell me what to do.” “But I didn’t cheat on you.” He growled angrily like a real powerful wolf. And I noticed his hazel eyes turn red slightly, “Lucy Frost, you forced this marriage on me and I didn’t complain. I have never asked you anything before and I will not ask you for anything in the future either, except for one thing, Lucy, one thing. Do not ever cheat on me.” It’s the most ridiculous request I ever heard from a man who hated his wife so much. I never expected to hear that from Aries but I knew he was serious. When he got angry, the temperature in the carriage dropped and I felt this huge pressure on my chest which almost choked my lung. Anne rolled her eyes and passed out immediately. I knew I must surrender or he might actually kill me, so I nodded my head in reluctance and yelled, “I won’t cheat. I promise.” He then leaned back in his seat and released me from that horrifying pressure. “Remember your promise, or I won’t forgive you, Lucy.” He warned me for the last time, then turned his head away as if he hated to see my face so much. I collapsed on my seat and gulped for the air like a desperate fish. Told you he’s just pretending to be weak. He is so scary. We need to find a way to get rid of him soon. I’m so frightened around him. Cora whimpered in my head. I put my hands on the wall to prop myself to sit straight. There’s no defeat of the devil, Lily. Cora cried sadly. I wish we could find a way to kill him.
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