Chapter 22

1686 Words

Lily’s POV “Why did you do that? Are you crazy?!” That kiss… it only lasted for two seconds. I pushed him on the chest while retreating backwards alarmedly. What the hell was he thinking? He brought me here to insult me by showing me how much he loved Anna. And then he kissed me for what??? Cora is right. He is a total psychopath and is completely crazy! It felt so ridiculous that I tried to treat him like a normal person. “Don’t you dare touch me.” I gritted my teeth and growled at him. Lucy was the royal blood. And her wolf was pretty intimidating. But Aries didn’t fear my growl even a little bit. He didn’t even move his brows, but kept staring at me in that creepy way with his cold eyes. “But I brought you to the garden.” He said that with his lips curled up a little bit sarcastic

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