979 Words

JACKSONS’ POV   “Why the hell did I leave her on her own? How stupid could I possibly be?”, I thought to myself as I paced back and forth in front of the hotel. I left Dakota for not even 2 hours and she left me, again. I didn’t want to leave her but my mother had called to say that I needed to come to the pack house, that it was incredibly urgent, so I left. When I arrived, my mother was nowhere to be found and my father told me that she hadn’t taken the news well at all. He informed me that he had announce to the pack that he was officially stepping down as the alpha and handing the title over to me, his only son.    I was thrilled that he thought I was ready, that I had finally proved to him that I was worthy of his position, but the feeling had been dulled when he told me that my m

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