1392 Words

I had been running for at least 15 minutes, Stephanie and her friends all in wolf form, hot on my heels. My legs were tired, my lungs hurt, but then I did something that not even I expected. I stopped.   I stopped dead in my tracks and did a 180 turn to face the oncoming she-wolves. I didn’t know what I was going to do or how I would manage to fight them all, but I’d had enough of being their play thing.    As Stephanie emerged from the darkness, it was as though time had slowed down. I watched as she lunged straight towards me, her yellow teeth bared as she prepares to rip my head off. She may have been an attractive human, but in wolf form she was hideous. Her coat looked like that which you would find hanging on a coat hanger in a nasty second hand shop, stripped from some sad creat

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