I tightened my grip on the steering wheel as I drove towards the city streets, tears of pain anger and frustration finally pouring down my face.
The anger in me was simmering, building with every mile I put between myself and the life with that piece of s**t Greg that I had just left behind.
He had crossed the line. But it wasn’t just him that had my blood boiling it was Meghan too.
She had been my best friend for years ever since we first met at university. I had defended her, supported her, even helped her win her first massive divorce settlement probono!
But what I had failed to see until now was how she used and abused everyone in her life, including her first husband, who I helped her strip of everything.
And now, Greg. I had always turned a blind eye to her manipulations, thinking she was just playing the game of life. But now, I saw her for what she was—a predator, using people for her own gain without any remorse.
But what on earth did she want from Greg? He had nothing without me. It can't possibly be because she thinks he is good in bed? Sure, he is good-looking, but that never seemed to motivate Meghan before she always wanted rich men It just didn't add up.
And now Greg is using my hard earned money to buy that gold digger gifts. I fumed the realization hitting me hard. I did not even get a happy anniversary thanks for everything you do. But Meghan she gets diamond bracelets with my money! And for what? making a few introductions and spreading her legs. All while I'm here working and providing for him so he can write his stupid book! I felt so used by them both.
I shook my head, the sting of betrayal cutting deeper than I wanted to admit. I had helped them both, and I would never make that mistake again.
I finally pulled into the hotel parking lot, the bright lights casting a soft glow over the rows of parked cars.
I stepped out of the car and scooped Theo out of his seat. My heels crunched against the leaves scattered through the carpark.
My thoughts were wild and a tangled mess. But all I knew was that leaving Greg was the only option.
The lobby was sleek and modern, the high ceilings and polished floors giving it an air of sophistication.
I approached the front desk and checked in, my voice steady as I booked the nicest suite they had available.
I didn’t care about the cost anymore. I’d worked hard for every cent, and now it was time to enjoy it. It's time to stop thinking about Greg and what he needs. This was my money.
After I was given the key to the suite, I took the elevator up to the top floor. The door opened to reveal a spacious, luxurious room with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a stunning view of the city skyline.
The room was decorated in rich tones of gold and deep blue, the plush furniture inviting me to sink in and forget everything for a while. But I had things to do right now.
I walked towards the bedroom, the richly decorated room looked both sophisticated and inviting. Pulling back the crisp white sheets, I gently placed Theo on the bed.
I sighed as I looked down at his peaceful, innocent face. I couldn't wait to snuggle in next to him and sleep the night away. But first, I had business to take care of.
I leaned down to kiss his forehead, my heart swelling with love for him.
“Sweet dreams” I whispered softly, pulling the blanket up around his shoulders before slipping out of the room.
I walked into the living area, my pulse quickening. I was ready. Ready to take control of everything that had slipped through my fingers for too long.
I grabbed my laptop from my bag, lucky that I had packed it for the weekend away.
I opened the lid and proceeded directly to log into my online banking account without hesitation.
Greg was no longer going to have access to my money. I had worked hard for everything I had, and he had taken far too much already.
I changed all the passwords and made sure every credit card tied to him was cancelled. My fingers moved quickly, the satisfaction of cutting him off filling me with a sense of power I hadn’t felt in a long time.
I wasn’t his fallback anymore, and I certainly wasn’t going to keep enabling his lifestyle.
I bet he did not expect me to cut him off financially. I wish I could be there to see his face when he tries to pay for something next.
A broad smile stretched across my face, the image in my minds eye was deeply satisfying.
But that wasn’t enough. Not yet.
I thought about Meghan’s latest boyfriend. The obnoxiously rich Max Mason, a powerful man who had fallen for her charms. They were even talking about marriage.
Meghan had a habit of doing this, finding wealthy men who were easily manipulated and draining them for everything they were worth.
She had done it to her first husband, and now she was doing it to him. I had helped her in the past, thinking it was harmless. That she was just going for the life she wanted. But now, I saw her for what she was: a user.
I opened a new email, attaching the video I had taken hours earlier of Meghan and Greg in bed together. I sent it straight to Max, no words needed. Let him see for himself the kind of woman he was with. I wasn’t going to protect her anymore.
Once the email was sent, I closed the mail program with a decisive click, feeling satisfied.
But I still wasn’t finished, not yet. Not by a long shot.
As a lawyer, I knew how to get things done quickly when I wanted to. I had spent years navigating the legal system, working my way through cases that tested my patience and skill. Now, it was time to turn that expertise for myself.
I opened a file on my laptop, pulling up the divorce application form. I needed this done quickly, needed it over with. I filled in the information, using the form I had on hand to speed up the process. Adultery. That was the grounds I would use. Greg’s betrayal was more than enough to justify it. But I wasn’t stopping there.
I made sure to include a submission for temporary orders of full custody of Theo. He was my son, and I wasn’t going to let Greg or anyone else take him from me. I knew once it got to the courtroom, I would win. Greg did nothing for Theo he probably wouldn't even fight for custody. The money was another thing...
Then, I made a final submission—one that would ensure I got what I deserved: 100% of all financial assets, including the house. Greg had gotten more than enough from me. It was my turn now.
With the forms completed and ready to be filed, I sat back in my chair, staring at the screen. I felt no remorse.
Greg had made his choices, and now I was making mine. I wasn’t going to let him or Meghan take anything else from me.
A small, triumphant smile crept onto my lips as I imagined his face when the sheriff showed up to evict him tomorrow. The smug arrogance he wore so proudly would crumble, replaced by panic and disbelief. It was a small consolation, but it was enough for now.
I could almost hear him sputtering, trying to argue his way out of it, trying to charm or intimidate his way into staying. But the law would be on my side, and there wouldn’t be a damn thing he could do about it.
For too long, I had let him walk all over me, let him twist situations, and manipulate me into doubting myself. Not anymore. He’d crossed the line, and now he was going to face the consequences.
I closed the laptop and stretched my arms upwards as I stood up. I sauntered over to the window, where the lights of the city glittered below.
I thought of Theo, asleep in the next room, and I knew that this was the right decision. He would be safe with me. He would have everything he needed. And I? I would be able to live my life fully on my terms.
The years of manipulation, gaslighting, and being taken for granted were over.
I flipped on the bathroom light, and the space lit up with a soft, golden glow. The bathroom was stunning. Marble floors, a freestanding tub, and a massive vanity with an ornate mirror framed in gold. It was the kind of bathroom that belonged in a luxury magazine, and yet, here I was, standing in it, feeling completely out of place.
I caught my reflection in the mirror. My brown hair, limp and lifeless from a long day, fell around my face. My crystal blue eyes stared back at me, their clarity dimmed by faint dark circles from countless late nights. My complexion was clear, my skin smooth, but there was a weariness etched into my features, a sign of the storm I’d been weathering.
Leaning in closer, I inspected myself. Meghan always said I was naturally beautiful, effortlessly so. She claimed she wished she had my looks. But under the glamorous light of this penthouse bathroom, all I could see was the way I had let myself go. My hair desperately needed a trim, my nails were bare and uneven, and my wardrobe—once professional and stylish—had become boring and mom like over the years.
And then, like clockwork, my thoughts wandered to Meghan again. Meghan, with her perfectly styled, glossy hair that always looked fresh out of a salon. Meghan, who wouldn’t dare step outside without her face flawlessly made up, her lashes curled, and her lips painted in some expensive shade. Meghan, who paraded around in designer outfits that hugged her every curve like they were tailored just for her.
I sighed, pulling my hair back into a loose ponytail. Maybe Greg had cheated because of this. Maybe he had strayed because I wasn’t glamorous enough, because I had spent too much time working and being a mother and not enough time maintaining some impossible standard of perfection.
I glanced down at my pyjamas simple cotton shorts and an old T-shirt that had seen better days. I felt a sharp pang of inadequacy. But then I stopped myself. My fingers tightened around the edge of the sink as I looked back into the mirror, this time more resolute.
No amount of designer clothes or makeup would have stopped him from being the selfish, deceitful man he turned out to be. He had made his choices, and I had made mine. I've chosen to leave, to protect myself and Theo, and to rebuild our lives. That is was what matters.
I turned on the shower, letting the steam rise and fill the elegant room. The hot water poured over me as I stood beneath the rainfall showerhead, washing away the tension of the day.
As I ran my fingers through my hair, I made a promise to myself. This wasn’t about trying to be someone else to meet anyone’s expectations. It was about finding the woman I had lost along the way. The woman I wanted to be, for myself and for Theo.
Later, wrapped in the plush robe provided by the hotel, I climbed into the king-sized bed. Theo sound asleep as I cuddled him. I looked at him, his peaceful face soft in the dim light, and smiled despite the steady stream of tears that refused to stop falling. This was all that mattered.