Chapter TwelveTwo weeks later, Rosa and Allison entered the barn in the late afternoon. Rosa eyed the enormous, brown and white cows hitched to the wall. One of them bellowed, and she froze. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea, after all.” Allison pushed her toward the behemoths. “Nonsense. You said you wanted to learn how to do other things around the farm. Milking is an important job. You’re a smart girl. It won’t be long before you’re milking with the best of us.” “They’re so big and. . .smelly. But mostly big.” Her friend’s musical laughter echoed in the cavernous building. “Everything on this farm stinks in one way or another. Be glad you’re not learning to feed the pigs. Now, that’s an odoriferous job.” Allison pinched her nose and made an exaggerate shudder. Rosa giggled. “You and you