#2 - Perfectly Edible

940 Words
"Welcome aboard The Skylink Express, Mr. Wolfe." I was treated to a sexy smile as I stepped into the business class cabin. "Apologies for the delayed flight and for any inconvinience caused-" "Thank you, Amanda." I mumbled absent mindedly, cutting short what was going to be some long rehearsed apology. "Oh, you remembered?" That sexy smile grew impossibly wide and on any other day it would have been the only invitation I would have needed. But not today. I was too distracted. By a stranger and the night I'd had. I grunted some non commital response and proceeded. "Please don't hesitate to call on me for anything." Not put off by my lack of interest, Amanda led my two man entourage to our seats, her smile radiantly sexy, as if determined not to take no for an answer. "Do enjoy your flight, gentlemen." With that she turned around and exited the cabin, but not before flaunting her very noticeable figure with every step. Beside me Dave snorted. "I bet if she knew that you were her boss, she'd downright strip to nothing each time she has to welcome or say anything to you." I laughed at my confidant and advisor's disapproval. "That is why I don't go around wearing a tag that gives me away." I said, dropping my favourite comfortable lie-flat chair in the empty cabin I'd reserved on the flight that as of last month solely belonged to my very versatile and innovative company. "How are we looking on this deal?" I inquired about the pending engagement that had gotten me flying out of Emberlyn on a weekend when I wanted nothing more than to think of the other thing. My unexpected night at Serenity Towers or atleast the part worth remembering. "The worst of the beast of a storm has passed, so nothing of last night's delays are expected. We should be able to fly in and out and be back early enough for Mr. Sterling's birthday." I groaned at the mention of my father. "The must attend birthday celebration." Dave stressed, knowing of my dislike at being commanded to show up at the old man's home. The two plus years I'd evaded those commands in the name of finding myself were apparently over, it seemed. "Did you just become that old gizzards spokesperson?" I snorted to which Dave only laughed. "Luckily for you, the job wouldn't pay as much so I'm still stuck with you." He equally dropped his lie-flat seat, morroring my position. "So... your suite at Serenity Towers remained unused last night. Word has it that it was a petite ginger head, seen walking out of S.T in nothing but your favourite blazer. So unlike you, Sebastian." And she'd looked perfectly edible in it, so much so that getting it back had not crossed my mind until it was time to check out. I felt myself shudder at the mere thought and wished she'd taken me up on those two hours and thirty five minutes. God! The things I could have done to her. The things she could have done to me! Which was a surprise for someone who was not even my type. "Don't be a jerk, you probably hurt her more than you pleasured her." "So the rumours are true then?!" At Dave's high pitched question and sudden abandonment of his seat, I realized too late that I'd spoken aloud. "Should I be preparing for a lawsuit?" "Nothing of the sort, so stand down." And why did that bother me so much? It's not like being sued would erase that look of hurt which was forever imprinted in my mind or my reckless decision to end up in bed with a stranger. It wasn't the first and wouldn't be the last, but it was definitely the first time I had let a woman make that decision for me. Please make me forget. Her drunk pleas had been pained and I'd ignored each one while I carried her away from the cheap hotel she would have ended up in with that disgusting male she'd been hooked up with for the night. But that was until she kissed me. Those soft things, a weapon that had sent all my good intentions flying out the window. Some saviour I was. I couldn't even blame it on the fact that I wasn't totally sober myself and was drowning in the usual war with my demons. "And that bothers you because?" Count on Dave to see right through me. "I am not bothered at all." I lied. "Uh huh." Dave's expression turned sceptic in a heartbeat. "Look, I won't be seeing her ever again, so this inquisition of yours is pointless." The search I'd made about her had yielded nothing and I had decided to leave it at that. Something she clearly wanted if the way she practically escaped the room at S.T was anything to go by. And it was time I focused on what mattered. Legacy Dynamics Group and its pending acquisition that would catapult my company into the tier of the Elites. "If you say so." Dropping back in his seat, Dave visibly relaxed while his statement left me anything but. "What's that supposed mean?" "Do you want to see her again?" His question caught me offguard, but maybe it was my own answer that was a shocker. I waved it away, albeit quickly. If I did want to see her, it would only be to apologize for not being as gentle as I should have been. "Like I said, it's so unlike you Sebastian." Somehow my silence meant something else to Dave.
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