#3 - Not Interested

1792 Words
"Is this Miss Bryson, Linda Bryson?" "Who wants to know?" I groggily mumbled into my phone that I'd mistakenly answered instead of cutting the call. "This is Maddy. I'm calling you from Easton Corp. on behalf of Mr. Easton–” "What do you want?" I hadn’t intended on taking that tone with the poor woman, but I was dead tired…of this life and all the tears I'd cried that had left me with a splitting headache and so sleep deprived I felt dead. And that damn name she'd just thrown at my sleep deprived soul was the reason for it all. It represented the one who'd made sure that all my dreams I’d had up until a few hours ago went up in flames. I wasn’t about to indulge in anything to do with him. "He wishes to speak to you about a job offer–" "Well, I don't." I cut the call without a second thought. I was desperate for a job, but not that desperate. My phone rang after what felt like a second later and this time a male voice came through. "Miss Bryson–" "If it's about a job offer from Easton Corp. I'm not interested." I cut the call again and slipped under my blankets. As insane as that was too, I did. Because after yesterday, that ship with my dream company sailed with the arrogance displayed by Easton's owner. I wasn't going to work for such a despicable jerk, even if he promised the moon. George, my former employer at the diner, was despicable alright, but only because he loved shiny things and couldn't keep his hands off of them. I was apparently the most shiny he'd employed and even he'd behaved after I threatened to decapitate his hands. Ethan Easton on the other hand? Well let's just say being searched and treated like a common thief had been my last strolI. I'd never felt so embarrassed. I'd barely snuggled in my bed, though, when my door bell rang, making me groan and curse while wishing I could ignore it too. But it could be my landlord and I couldn't risk ignoring him or I would be homeless quicker than I could breathe with the huge rent amount I was still owing. Mustering a smile, I opened the door and I would have been thankful for finding someone else who was not my landlord standing on the other side, but I only scowled at the scary figure who would have had me running for the hills if I'd never seen their face before. "Craig, is it?" "Yes ma'am." Ma'am? I would have laughed at that, but my brain was still functioning at half capacity to find it funny. It was even a wonder I'd remembered the big dude's name at all. "Let me guess, Mr. Easton sent you." Even when I knew that it would be of no use, I dug my fingers into the door frame and got ready to scream, just incase he was here to take me against my will. I had seen a lot of that in the movies. Rich guy sending his goons to kidnap an unimportant poor girl because she apparently hadn't been nice to him and he held a grudge. "Yes ma'am." "Well whatever it is the jerk has to say, tell him I'm not interested. That is my answer. So sorry for making you come out here for nothing." I patted the poor man's shoulder and shut the door in his face, but not before noting the shocked look on his face. Was I rude? Probably, but my caring gene was also currently malfunctioning. The little that remained of my world was about to crash and burn, and until I'd had my sleep I refused to care or do anything else. Much less anything to do with Ethan Easton. One miserable encounter was enough and I’d already had two. But then the door bell rang again and I swore at the powers that be. "Look, Craig–" I mustered the calmest tone the pounding in my head could allow because I knew the guy did not deserve my sleep deprived beast, but when I opened the door a second time the last person I expected looked up from his phone and at me, making whatever I was going to say get stuck in my throat. What the hell was he doing here?! "Good morning Miss Bryson." At the sound of Ethan Easton’s deep, crisp and all business confident voice, all sleep evaporated like mist before the sunrise. And my sleep deprived beast? It totally went into hibernation as I found myself fumbling with my sleepy look, wishing I'd thrown something over the boy shorts and Tee I had worn to bed. The flicker of his eyes to my regrettable attire did not help matters. "Please hear me out. May I come in?" I was thankful to have him look up at my face. And did he just say please? Was he actually being respectiful for once? "What do you want?" I opened the door wider letting him in, but only because I knew Craig could easily break it down and I couldn't put it past the person standing before me to ask him to if I shut it in his face. I braced for the judging look and the wave of embarrassment that would follow to hit me once Ethan took in my old and very simple apartment, but it never came as he turned to face me, seemingly sticking to what he came for. I thanked the gods for that too. "My son has taken a liking to you." It was a statement. One I could not argue with. The kid had made it pretty clear yesterday. "He's a good kid, curious and weird at times, but good. Although I'm not sure why you are telling me this." I stayed rooted by the door as my room suddenly felt too small with that intense gaze he fixed on me after my statement about his son. It was a look miles different from the furious one that had marred his handsome features yesterday. "Wait, handsome? What the hell!" I realized it too late that I had been staring. Right back at him. Holding his gaze and being pulled right in. He cleared his throat. "I know you've made it clear that you want to having nothing to do with me, but I would like to offer you a job." "I–" "Before you say no–" He stepped forward and I froze. “What are you doing?” Clearly flustered, he paused midstep, barely inches away from me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to– here.” He handed me a piece of paper before stepping back. Being able to breathe again I looked it over. It turned out to be a contract showing an insane amount meant to be my pay. "I would like to hire you as his nanny. All expenses paid, on top of that." A baby sitter? I did not see that coming! Did I feel a little insulted? Well, yes. Because despite my not wanting to work for Easton Corp. I hoped this offer was a regret on his part for his decision not to hire me. And because for once I wanted what I wanted and that was to put my professional skills to work. To build my career, to make something of myself. I’d decided that I would never again suffer those embarrassing stares I’d suffered while I exited the cafeteria yesterday. Everyone it seemed had believed their boss and thought of me as a thief. "This is so generous of you but I c-" "I'd like to apologise. For yesterday. I-" “What?” I looked up from the paper. “I was way out of line–” Did he think apologizing would sway me? Too little, too late Jerk! "Apology accepted and thank you for the offer, but I must decline.” I shoved the paper back into his hand. “Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to sleep. You can see yourself out.” Now that felt satisfying, until he opened his mouth. “Miss Bryson?” I kept walking, ignoring the panic in his voice. It was subtle, but it was there. “Shut the door after you.” I mumbled and he sighed, the weight of it carrying all the way to where I was. "No, not my problem." I glared at my mind that was suddenly too curious and very willing to help. "He won't come out of his room if I do not return with you." Not my problem. I slipped into my bedroom. "Please…” Nope. “Liam is– my son has mental– He doesn't exactly see things as, well, the rest of us.” The panic was not so subtle anymore, making me do a whole one eighty on my decision to crash on my bed. "He didn't strike me as someone with issues." I peeked from my bedroom’s door. "And that was something quite surprising.” A smile crossed his lips, albeit a tired one and it did things to me. Things that reminded me of a time I thought I had long forgotten. “Will you come with me? It could be on a trial basis. A month if you like." "A day.” I didn’t know what I was doing. I should have stuck with my decision to have nothing to do with Ethan Easton, but something told me I would regret it if I did. Or maybe I was simply afraid of history repeating itself. Or maybe I felt I owed the kid one for his kindness. “You just want him out of his room right?" “A week.” “A day.” I couldn’t believe I was actually negotiating this offer…with him, an actual billionaire and when I was so broke and not exactly in a position to choose. "A day with a possibility of an extension." "Fine, but it will have to be my decision. And also, can I have my beauty sleep first?" His lips twitched at that, making him look more human and kind of cute. My cheeks heated up at my own thoughts. Damn my wayward mind. "Actually, I was hoping we could leave right away." "No can't do. Sleep fir-" "You can have your beauty sleep in the car, I promise not to disturb." “Fine. Then atleast let me get changed?” I grumbled, but regretted it instantly as his eyes fell on my attire and this time he was looking. As in really looking.
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