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"Are you hungry? We can eat first if you want." I asked him cautiously as I roam my eyes inside. "This place is huge." "Yeah, the purpose of this hotel is for our customers not to go out anymore since they have everything they need here." He explained it to me casually. Am I the only one being nervous here? Why do I feel nervous in the first place? "Let's eat first, so we don't have to search for your dress while our stomach's growling." He gently moved his hands on my waist, carefully assisting me to turn left. I flinched a little from his gesture since I am not used to guys holding me. I am used to guys fighting me, having sparring sessions with me, but not being a gentleman. "Oh sorry, did I startle you?" He moved a little farther right away.  "No. It's okay." I smiled at him then removed my eyes from the grasp of his eyes. He was hesitant to talk, I could feel that. From my peripheral vision I can see how he turns his face to ask me but then he'll back out. "Are you uncomfortable?" He stopped on his tracks to face me. '' Wi-With what you did? N-No. Not at all. Don't worry. I was just surprise but no. I am not." I've been waving my hands in the to signal that it was really no big deal but his expression remains the same. "No. That is not what I am asking." He moved closer to me. "Are you uncomfortable that you are here, alone with me?" His eyes were seeking for an answer. His gestures were limited but I can see his hands moving from his pocket. "I am just not used to being with you... Yet." I can't look at him in the eye but I forced myself to meet his orbs to assure him that everything is fine. "Everything is fine, don't worry.'' He let out a huge sigh. "That's good to know. For a while I thought I just forced you to come.'' He gave me a light chuckle then we started walking again. "Definitely not." "It's just that, when you're alone with Grey I can see you're comfortable with him even if you guys were alone." He peeked a little to look at my face with his hands still on his pocket then he started talking again. ''Well, Grey is a nice guy and he knows how to create a conversation. While me, I'm just good at telling people what to do." I became speechless, as much as I wanted to explain, words won't come out of my mouth. Finally, after what I felt was a long talk but it isn't, we arrived at a fine dining restaurant. "Hello Sir Daniel and Ms. Alyanna, good evening. Please follow me." He bowed his head then gently assisted us to a private room. It says VVIP. I forgot, I am with the owner. "He knows my name, am I wearing a name tag?" I was surprise to hear him call my name. He just laughed at me then he pulled my chair. "Here you go." "Thank you." "Just click the button if you need anything else." The guy told us. He then gave me a smile before he went out of the room. I settled on my seat while Daniel took his denim jacket off. He was just wearing a plain white Hanes t-shirt underneath. He stretched a little before he went to seat across me. ''Here's the menu, just tell me what you like."  I just nodded at him. Opening the menu folder, my mouth really wanted to form an 'O' shape because of how expensive the dishes are. "They are too expensive. I bet they cost more than a dress I'll buy later." I looked at him and he was just smiling while looking for a dish that suits him. "I knew this would happen. I should've told the waiter to cover the prices." He gave me a mischievous look then went back to his business. "Sorry, I'm used to fast foods."  "It's okay. I'm done. Are you?'' "Yeah, I'll just get this, then.'' I chose the least expensive dish on the menu. "Are you sure?'' He tilt his head on my direction and I just gave him an okay sign. "Alright. Waiter?'' Smiling at the waiter, he told him our orders. I just stared at him, he seemed close to Mr. Waiter. My lips turned upwards knowing how he treats his employees. He looks at them straight in the eyes, he even tap his back when they are done. Glad to see that even though I am with the owner of this building, his feet remains on the ground. "So... What should we do while we wait?" He roamed his face around the room. Clearly thinking of anything to do or talk about. "Play Jenga?" I giggled at my own joke then I remember it was him I was talking to so I stopped immediately He then laughed next. It was the kind of laugh that is not contained. I could definitely hear his voice echoing in the room. "You know what, I am glad." He moved his seat closer to the table. "Glad? Why?" I asked him, confused. "Cause I think you're starting to get comfortable now. You sound tight earlier." "Oh." "Well anyway, thank you, Alyanna. For accepting my invitation to The Formal."  "No, thank you. For inviting me even though I know I'm not part of that kind of circle." The waiter went inside to give us the wine and an appetizer.  "Thanks Rob. Anyway, going back. I don't know what kind of circle are you talking about... And honestly, I didn't know what got in my head to invite you. Maybe because we were sharing the same thoughts that night. We were both tired from the party, we wanna get away with the people, we don't wanna drink, our ears were giving up from the loud music... We just want to breathe.'' "I was talking about your circle.'' I searched for his orbs. "I don't belong in your circle yet you invited me. At first, yes. I don't know what made you invite me. Actually, the explanation that I have in my head was the same with what you just told me. That maybe, that night, we were just sharing the same thoughts, so out of nowhere you asked me." The waiter then arrived with the dishes we ordered. "I hope I didn't forced you." He unfolded the table napkin and started taking the utensils. I did the same. "Of course not. I can say no. I'm not a people pleaser" He let out a chuckle. "Well I can see that." He took the first bite of  his steak. "And anyway, I don't care about that circle you were talking about. The more you care about your social status, the more you will lose yourself in the process.''  ''Well, you are right about that. It's just that since the first day I moved to Addilyn, that's what the university fed me. The gap. That huge gap we have."  I can't believe I'm eating a fried chicken worth how many hundreds of bucks. ''Don't let it get to you." He just replied. We started digging on our food. We have small talks in between and I love how I am getting comfortable automatically without even trying. He told me earlier that he is not good with conversation but he usually ask questions.  "What's the color of the dress that you want to buy?" He asked me as he ate the chocolate ice cream for his dessert. "I'm thinking of going with the color black." I said to him. "I guess most of them will wear black, I don't want my color to stand out." "Alright, then I'll buy a black suit."  "You're buying, too?" "Yep. Is that a problem?'' He smirked at me. Oh wow Daniel, now you're beginning to smirk, huh. ''Nope. What's wrong with asking?"  Once we both finished our desserts, I was waiting for the bill but nothing came. "Let's go." "Wait, were not paid yet." He laughed at me... Again. "This is my building. You don't have to pay." "But the chicken is worth how many bucks." I said. The staff gave me wide smiles.  "See, they are laughing at you." We decided to walk for a little while before we get into the business of choosing a dress and suit. Daniel told me that the Formal party is an auction night. He also told me that some students from Addilyn will be there because of their families. That really put me in my place. "I don't even have a family." I answered him. He responded, looking directly at me. "You got me." The room went into deep silence. It was about to get awkward when he continued. "And Grey, and Demetry, and the Claude guy, so don't worry too much, you got us."
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