Chapter One we're moving

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"ahh!!, mom we're moving again this is the third time this year " I said irritated from her announcement. I love ciathol , it is my home land, she can't just come out of nowhere saying we are moving "Sweetie you know because of my job week have to move very often" My mom said in a sad tone to make me feel guilty. If you ask I actually did "Mom I don't want to move ,I just started getting use to this environment and we're moving again "I said stumping one of my feet "I don't care , look here miss l miss l am your mother and you are not yet 18 so I can take you anywhere i want" mom said sassily "Woah , that's a lot of sass"I said rolling my eyes "Get packing" she said and dashed to her room to pack. I gave out a groan and walked up the stairs sluggishly. I got to my room, jumped on my bed and dug my head into my pink fluffy pillow. Then I picked up my phone and dialed Kenzie's number on my contact list. After two rings she picked.i don't like to video chat "Hey girl" Kenzie said "Hi" I said and sighed deeply " What's the matter"Kenzie said in a worrying tone. "Nothing just that my mother's making me move again"I said "Why, what the hell happened"Kenzie said both angry and confused. "She just told me her boss told her to move to Los Angeles but I don't know why"l said "I don't really know much about my parents or even my mom that we live under the same roof she's always kept me in the dark for like forever and for my dad I haven't even met him yet "I said and drew my eyebrows together. "Wait!!, I'm coming over " Kenzie said "KK gotta pack nots like I have a choice "I said. "See ya soon "Kenzie said and hung up.and I let out another sigh, I hope I make friends but I still want to keep Kenzie as my friend she has always been there for me. Sorry for not Introducing myself earlier I'm Jessica Hensaw,I'm 17 and I am in middle School,year 12,I would've finished earlier but due to my travelling it's almost Impossible, my best friend is Katherine Emberson but I shortened it to Kenzie . It's better right like I said my mom's making me move.

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