Chapter 4-1

854 Words

Chapter 4 “That’s all?” asked Katie, leaning on the counter. “Body, rug, house. I knew most of that already.” Kiko sighed, glanced around the store. It was around four but he didn’t want to stay open late tonight, not when he knew the moment Sarah’s murder circulated around Mount Angus everyone would be at Yolks on You, trying to dig up details. He’d sent Chad home immediately after unloading the boxes and recommended the teen tell his mother about the incident—she’d find out anyway. “Chad was scared of the bird,” said Dom and briefly mentioned the parakeet. Katie laughed. “Didn’t you have plans?” asked Kiko, trying to sound pleasant, but Katie still made a face at him. “I texted Elena ages ago and she understands. We switched to dinner instead of lunch.” “Maybe we should go out,” sa

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