Chapter Eight

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Alexander’s P.O.V   It’s only a few hours until the wedding and my nerves hadn’t subsided, I was still shitting myself! Raven was off somewhere else in the Castle getting ready with her girls, and I was here with my brothers. Raven wanted to get married somewhere special, so we decided to book the place where Kane and Rose got married, It wasn’t exactly special to me, but it was to her and that’s all that matters. ‘How are you feeling?’ I looked up at my brothers and smiled. ‘I’m ok’. I really was, but, I was ok mixed with nerves, but I think they knew that. ‘Not long to go’. ‘Yeah and then you can join the ‘’married’’ club’. Fang joked. I just gave him a ‘’really’’ look. ‘Well... The ‘’Forever Married’’ club at least’. He corrected himself. ‘Yeah, you got that right. Raven is the one for me, Honestly’. I smiled thinking about her, Her beautiful face, her adorable laugh, her bright, hopeful eyes, every inch of that girl was made for me and I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her. ‘So, Did you decide what to do about father?’ Kane asked. Fang’s head shot around so quickily, I thought he’d have whiplash. ‘Father?!’ I rolled my eyes in annoyance at my brother, I had decided to not tell anyone about my father contacting me, None of the family needed the hassle or drama…   **Months Earlier** There was a small knock on the front door. I wonder who that could be? I waited for a moment to see if Raven was going to get it. I wasn’t sure if she had gone out or not, but If she hadn’t she knew I was busy with work, But when there was another knock, Slightly louder this time, I knew that she was clearly not home. Sighing, I stood and left my office, heading to the front door. When I opened it, I was more than a little surprised to see a stranger stood there, holding an envelope. ‘Good Afternoon Sir, I am here on behalf of My Master, Master Tavish’. I just looked at the human in front of me and blinked a few times, confused. This wasn’t one of my brother’s servants... And he wasn’t mine… so... Whos was he? ‘Master Tavish? Who?’ He just looked at me, Clearly now confused himself. ‘Master Samson Tavish, Sir’. My father? My stomach dropped. What the f**k did he want?! ‘What do you want?!’ My anger flared. It wasn’t this poor humans fault, So I tried to control myself, But, I was very f*****g pissed off right now. ‘He has asked me to deliver this to you, Sir’. He put his hand out, trying to pass me the letter, but I refused. ‘Please Sir, I was told if you didn’t accept it then I’d be facing death when I returned’. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes or Sarcastically snorting. This person in front of me was clearly scared for his life. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I took the letter out of his shaking hand, said thank you, and goodbye and closed the door. Why did my fathers threat not surprise me? Clearly, he hasn’t changed. I put the letter down on the side as I walked back into my Office and continued with my work. It was hours later when I finally built up the willpower to read what my father had written to me in his later. Sitting down on the sofa, I opened it up; My Dear son, Alexander, I have heard from word around town that you are due to Marry, Congratulations. I hope your third marriage brings you the happiness you clearly didn’t find with your previous two spouses. I also hear rumours that she is your brother's daughter. I trust these are just lies fabricated by the jealous creatures of our shared land. In any case, I would greatly appreciate an invitation to see my favourite child become betrothed, and a chance to mend our broken bond. I await your reply. You’re father, Samson. **Present time** I remember screwing up the piece of paper in anger and throwing it away. His address was on the later, he wanted a later back in response. I gave him something better. I went to his home and told him to his face, I wanted nothing to do with him, I didn’t want him near me or my wife or my family, I wanted him out of our lives for good. He honestly didn’t seem too bothered and hadn’t tried to contact me since. Yeah.. he really cared. I looked at my brothers who seemed to be waiting for an answer. I just smiled and stood up, I didn’t want to be talking about him on my wedding day. ‘I told him to stay away and he’s not welcome in any of our lives again’. I told them simply before I wandered over to my wardrobe to get my suit on and finish getting ready. I wish that stupid vampire murderer would get rid of Samson Tavish. 
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