"William Guy?" I asked, quickly. "Precisely. William Guy." "Who commanded the Jane ?" "The Jane ? Yes. The same man." "An English schooner which put in at Tristan d'Acunha eleven years ago?" "Eleven years, Mr. Jeorling. I had been settled in the island where Captain Jeffrey, of the Berwick , of London, found me in the year 1824, for full seven years. I perfectly recall this William Guy, as if he were before me. He was a fine, open-hearted fellow, and I sold him a cargo of seal-skins. He had the air of a gentleman, rather proud, but good-natured." "And the Jane !" "I can see her now at her moorings in the same place as the Halbrane . She was a handsome vessel of one hundred and eighty tons, very slender for'ards. She belonged to the port of Liverpool." "Yes; that is true, all that i