Possessive for her!

1279 Words
She was struggling for her life, thinking she might die now. Her past traumas emerged in front of her eyes. Water entered her mouth and nostrils. She was just going to give up as she was tired of trying. At the same time, Someone grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, holding her tightly around the waist. Her hands and feet were trembling. "Don't be scared. I'm here now." That voice in her ear was Archie's. He pulled her close to his chest. She rested her head over his chest, feeling the warmth in that cold water. "Archie..." Celeste murmured. As soon as she said his name, he lifted her into his arms. “I won't let anything happen to you.” He whispered in her ears. A little while earlier, Archie was heading inside in his car. Seeing a crowd of staff near the swimming pool, he told the driver to stop the car. When Archie reached there, he found Celeste was drowning in the pool. Without a second thought, Archie dived into the pool. He scooped Celeste in his arms and stepped out of the swimming pool. He gently placed her on the chair. She was coughing, her chest pounding hard. "Are you okay?" Archie asked, gripping her shoulder tightly. The water was dripping from her every cell. She wasn't okay, but she nodded her head anyway. "Who was here... who was it..." Archie demanded angrily. All the staff were frightened. Her white shirt had become transparent, and her pink bra was visible through it. She had no idea of her half-nude body, she was traumatised for a while. Archie noticed this and immediately took off his coat to cover her. "All male staff leave right now," he ordered, and all the male staff left the area. But Chen remained standing there. "Aren't you male?" Archie asked Chen angrily. "Obviously yes." Chen kept standing there steadily "Then why aren't you leaving?" As soon as Archie said that aggressively, Chen left fixing his glasses. Zina was shocked to see Archie turning so possessive of Celeste. Not only that, he previously never cared about anyone else. "How did you fall into the water? Tell me," Archie asked Celeste. His eyes were red with anger, as if, if he found out who it was, he wouldn't leave them alive. He gripped her shoulder tightly and greeted his teeth. "I want to know what happened to you. How did you fall in the water?" He asked again. Celeste looked toward Zina. She knew that even if she mentioned Zina's name, no one would believe her. "Zina?" Archie asked, looking at Zina. "Hey... I would never do that," Zina said."She is not worth my competition." she smirked. "I will talk to you later about it," Archie told her aggressively. His voice was threatening. Celeste gripped his arm with her trembling hand. She was very nervous and shivering from the cold. "Archie, I want to go home..." It seemed like she was going to blast a cry. Her voice was so heavy that words were hardly coming out of her mouth. "First, change your clothes or you will get sick," Archie said, looking at his staff and gesturing them to take Celeste inside. They did as he said. Archie approached Zina after sending Celeste inside. Zina had never seen Archie this angry over someone. "Whoever did this to Celeste, I won't spare her," he warned Zina. "Her, are you assuming I did it?" She laughed, "I am not assuming. I am warning you. Next time touch her, I will forget that I don't raise my hand on a woman." Archie said and started heading inside but Archie paused when Zina said something. "Are you probably, in love with her?" Zina asked. Archie avoided her question and went inside. He stood outside the guestroom, waiting for Celeste. She came out of the guestroom, wearing the dress that belonged to Zina. A white chiffon dress which made her look beautiful. Her hair was still wet. Her face was red as if she cried a lot. Archie had never seen her cry like this before. She was in a pitiable state which made Archie want to hug her tightly and comfort her in his arms. "Goodbye..." Celeste said to him in a heavy voice. It was the hardest word that Archie would ever want to hear. His heart felt so heavy when he heard it. "I'll drop you home," Archie offered, but Celeste was not at all ready. "No thanks. I booked a cab." Celeste said she was not even ready to look at him. Words kept replaying in her mind like a broken cassette. "Celeste, tell me what happened," he urged, but Celeste didn't want to talk to him. "No, I'll go by myself," she said. She left the palace in tears, with Archie running after her. A cab pulled up, and Celeste got in and drove away. Archie kept watching the cab fading on the road. Archie looked extremely worried, it was his fifth drink within half an hour. He kept staring at the bar counter and drank again recklessly. "Archie, take it easy. Don't overboard yourself." Chen pulled the drink from Archie's hand and mixed water in it to dilute it. Celeste hadn't come to work after that incident. It had been four days since that day, and he hadn't seen her since. "So, you saved Celeste from the water. That means you're one step closer to her. Aren't you happy about that?" Chen handed the glass back to him. Archie glared at him angrily. "Do you think this is a joke?" Archie's brows furrowed. "You were trying to cause her an accident with the car, so I thought this might be part of your plan too," Chen taunted. Archie slammed his hand on the table. "Her life was at risk, damn it!" Archie shouted at him. The girls dancing at the pole stopped her dance. Chen gestured it to continue. "Her life was at risk in that car accident too, Archie. If you hadn't saved her that day, the car would have hit her," Chen said, and Archie's face turned pale. He didn't think about it. That day the car just hit her on her legs, and she was injured. He realised he was wrong but his ego was too high to accept that. "If you're done, you can leave," Archie said, making his next drink. Chen got up from his chair and started to leave. But then he stopped and came back to him. "If you're waiting for her here, you're wasting your time. She's been working at the Universal Art and Gallery exhibition for the past three days," Chen said. Archie's brow knitted even more. He was furious to hear it. "Are you stalking her?" Archie asked him rudely. "Not her. I am stalking her friend." Chen replied and walked out. "Art and gallery exhibition," Archie muttered, searching for its location. He saw that it was closing in half an hour. Without wasting any time, he grabbed his keys and left the passion club. He drove at high speed to get there within half an hour. As soon as he walked into the exhibition, the staff started noticing him and whispering among themselves. He looked very handsome in a black suit with a white shirt underneath. His eyes were searching for Celeste. Most of the staff had already left, with only a few remaining. Celeste was nowhere to be seen. "Excuse me..." Archie said, just as a noise came from below. Celeste stood up after arranging some items. She was quite shocked to see Archie in front of her.
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