Chapter 8

1069 Words
Chapter 8She tried to pull her hand from my breast but I kept it there. I saw a look of hesitation in her eyes and then I straightened up and leaning over, kissed her. We’d kissed before, my ‘non gay’ kiss and the odd peck on the cheek before that but this was not that kind of kiss. I kissed her lips and I felt her softness. She pulled back momentarily and then I kissed her again, her mouth parted and I felt a slight headiness, a very familiar feeling, similar to when I got it on with a man. But unlike a man’s kiss there was no urgency, no need to unbutton my shirt or put his hand down my jeans. This was just kissing for the sake of kissing, it’s what women wish men would just do more of instead of just going for the goal. If I’d been drinking I might have understood it better but I was stone cold sober and instead of Sigrid trying to take it further it was yours truly doing the work. Her right hand was still resting on my breast as we settled against the back of the couch, I moved closer and tilting my head, kissed her again and this kiss was far more intimate and passionate. She tried to pull back and I locked my right hand around her neck and held her in place before we finally parted. Her face was flushed and she still had a hand on my breast. She looked past me for a moment and then she spoke. “That was a bit sudden,” her hand left my breast. “I know,” I slid my right hand beneath her collar and kissed her again and this time I put my left hand on her breast and massaged it, I could feel the wire beneath the shirt and the hint of a n****e and her eyes widened as I rubbed it with my thumb. We parted again and I looked down at her breast for a moment, she followed my line of sight and something seemed to change because she grabbed my breast again with one hand and ran her other hand through my hair and kissed me again. I flipped her collar up and left her mouth to kiss her cheek and neck, we were hard against each other and I shifted my hand from her neck to her throat and undid a button. The material pulled outwards as I put my hand under her shirt and brought my head around to kiss her again, it was a long and passionate kiss that left us both breathless when we finally parted. The shirt I was wearing had a frilled collar and a placket hiding the buttons, I’d actually made that one myself after making the jumpsuit Today was the first time I’d worn it out and Sigrid seemed almost fascinated by it, sliding her thumb and index finger up and down the placket. Our eyes met for a few moments and she opened my mouth to say something and then I leaned over and kissed her as I undid another of her buttons. I felt one of my buttons coming loose as I broke free briefly and then her hand dropped to the next button. I felt it coming loose and moaned as her hand moved the material aside and I felt her hand on my breast. I pushed myself into her as I worked her mouth in a passionate kiss and was just about to break free and suggest we migrate to the bedroom when the phone rang. Neither of us responded right away, I was wondering who the hell could be calling on a Saturday night and then we both stopped as we heard my voice on the answering machine and the whimper of a woman in pain. “Louise, Louise? Oh f**k, Louise, please be there,” Melanie called out. We stopped kissing and I stared at each other and then pulled back as I jumped to my feet and raced to the phone. “Melanie? What’s up?” She didn’t reply for a few seconds but finally she managed to blurt it out and I felt the hair on the back of my head tingling. “It’s Jeff, he’s dead.” “Dead? How?” “He gassed himself in the car, oh f**k. I came home with the kids just now and I found him in the garage. I thought he’d just left the car running and gone inside but then I saw him slumped over the wheel and a tube inside the car. I pulled him out and called the ambos but by the time they got here he was gone. I tried called Sigrid but she’s not home. You’re the only one I knew I could call.” “Sigrid’s here, with me,” I replied. “Can I talk to her, please?” “Sure,” I returned to the couch and held my thumb over the microphone, “it’s Melanie, Jeff just topped himself, she wants to speak to you.” I collapsed into the couch while Sigrid talked to Melanie and whether it was the fact they were neighbours or the fact she’d been through something similar I didn’t know at the time. All I know is that Sigrid promised to come up there right away. “I’ll call Agnetha as well.” She ended the call and leaned on her knees. “I had a feeling this was going to happen.” “What do you mean?” “With Jeff, he’s had a drinking problem for a while now but he started going to A.A a few months ago, around about the time I started working in Boronia but then the meetings dropped off and he started getting antsy,” she fell back against the couch and buttoned her shirt. “Melanie was hoping he’d snap out of it and come good but she couldn’t handle his mood swings and then last week he hit her. It wasn’t bad, just a slap but it was the first time in their married life he’d ever raised his hands to her. She took it badly and he took off for a few days. She actually had me stay over for Wednesday night but then he rang and said he was going back to A.A.” “I never knew they had problems.” “Sorry,” she nudged my leg, “I was sworn to secrecy. I don’t think she would have minded me telling you, but I promised not to tell anyone. It’s one of those Alcoholics Anonymous mantras, they’re obsessed with anonymity.” “Well it’s out now,” I looked at her, “so you’re going up the mountain?” “Yeah,” she reached out and touched my face, “sorry to spoil the moment,” her hand fell away, “come on, she’s asked for you too. I’ll drive.” She rose and looked past me. “And as for the other thing, we’ll talk about that later.” “Of course, I’ll get my coat.”
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