Twenty-three: Emma Endless

1288 Words

Twenty-three Emma Endless             I had a whole life I didn’t know about.             I had a whole daughter I hadn’t known about.             Edward was dead. My son. But did it count if my son had been gone from the moment that the Omen had taken over him? I didn’t know. I didn’t even have the right to mourn him. I was so convinced that Edward was going to be my ex-faerie King husband reborn that I’d sold his life as a child to a thing of pure evil.             Now, his half-sister was here. She’d killed him. And she appeared to be intent on killing everything and everyone in faerie. Worse, there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was the girl stuck in the tower again. Did they even know I was here?             I’d been sitting in the tower feeling sorry for myself when

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