Hey Dreamers

264 Words
Hey Dreamers,  So sorry for the hiatus I've been taking on this. My computer is, unfortunately in the process of dying. Like the keyboards don't work half of the time and I've got a wire sticking out of it. I'm also working on a special side project that I didn't intend to write but just kind of sprang up out of nowhere.  If you are familiar with the series, you of course know that Ben is a fantasy author. And that he writes The Dragon's Queen series. I got the idea to write out that story for real, and have been working on that. The Dragon's Queen is a retelling of the St. George myth about a knight who saves a Princess from a dragon. In this book though, the Princess discovers she IS the dragon and has to save herself from the Prince.  I'm super excited to share it with you and I will get back to regularly updating this series as soon as I have a computer with a keyboard that doesn't crap out on me. That's part of why I've been working on a side project, because I want to make sure I work on this on a computer that isn't on it's last legs. But as soon as I get a new laptop, I will be back to updating regularly. P.S. If you follow me on pinterest, you can get ideas about the novels that are coming. I unfortunately somehow lost access to my old account (computer issues UGH) and had to start a new one.  Love n' stars,  Cambria 
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