Chapter 5 Warm breath

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Chapter 5: The room Mary took her to was just as beautiful as the living areas they had passed on the lower floor. But Olivia was still lost in her head. She sealed her mouth and thought of she would live the next twelve months in a house as big as this, yet never see the person to whom she was assigned. "Ma'am, I have started the water. Do you need me to help you?" Mary's voice sliced into her thoughts and Olivia moved her eyes to stare in her direction. Truly she needed a change of outfit. The maid in front of her looked much more presentable than she was in tenfold. "I'll do it. Thank you," Olivia finally said as her brain reminded her of the question again. Mary led her to the bathroom where the tub was bubbling with jasmine-scented soap, just for her. Olivia got in and tried to scrub her body as best as she could. She tried not to think of what the strange man would do to her as she bathed and it worked. A few minutes later she emerged into the room and met Mary standing by the large bed. "I have laid your dress. I presume you will want to do it yourself. I'll be outside when you are ready," She said in one breath with a small smile. Olivia smiled back at her and watched as the maid left the room completely before letting her eyes fall back on the dress. It wasn't an actual dress. It was nightwear. A light silk material that would show her entire body to the world if she dared put it on. But she was alone in the room, and she had nothing else to wear. She slipped on the nightwear and sat on the bed. What could she possibly do now? She could call her mom but she didn't own a phone... How could she speak to her mother? A small knock resounded on her door and Olivia snapped her eyes to it. Her heart thumped as she feared who it might be. But she relaxed when she saw the friendly face of Mary. "I am sorry. I figured you will be done now. Do you want something to eat?" She asked and Olivia shook her head. With all the drama going on in her head, she would throw up if she ate anything. "How about juice or water? Anything at all?" Mary insisted. Olivia wanted to say no yet again but she held her tongue. There was something she needed. and maybe Mary could help her with it. She had a question she was dying to ask but was afraid Charles would never answer it. Since Charles wasn't in the room with them, she believed asking Mary would get her an answer. “What is the name of your master?“ Olivia asked in a small voice. Mary's bright face darkened and she dropped her head to the floor at once. “I am sorry Ma'am. Ask me about anything but not that... I can't answer it.” Olivia was yet again shocked at this crazy contract she had signed. What was going on? “There is a button by the side table, I am your personal maid. If you need anything else... Like food, please hold down on it and I will be notified. If you don't need anything, I will advise you to take your time and rest before the master comes back,” Mary said and quickly left before Olivia could ask her more questions that could put her in trouble. Olivia didn't understand why the man's name was never even mentioned to her. She wasn't going to see the face of the man she would be getting pregnant for, the least they could do was tell her their master's name. It wasn't like she was making an impossible request, just once, was that too much to ask, just the name of the man? Time passed and the day becomes dusk, Olivia hadn't left the room since she came, and neither did she demand or request anything from Mary or anybody else. She was so tired and exhausted from sitting on the bed and looking out through the windows. As the cloud became covered in darkness, fatigue hit her and she laid her head on the pillow. Sleep soon consumed her as thoughts on how this strange master was going to treat her or how she would present herself to him. A few minutes later, the door to her room was opened slightly, and a tall figure walked in. He looked at the girl sleeping soundly on the bed and a sigh escaped his lips. She was as beautiful as Charles had described and the gown she wore didn't help in hiding her assets from his hungry eyes. All her curves were nakedly exposed and he loved it. The man smirked to himself as the girl's beauty was beyond definition, he had never expected Charles to bring in such a beautiful goddess to him. He felt a warmth take over his cold heart for a slight second and he shrugged it off immediately. What was this he was feeling inside? He asked himself and stared at the sleeping girl again. This time, it wasn't just warmth. He felt a burning sensation of desire flood through his insides. He couldn't explain it. He had never felt this way before. His fingers itched to touch her glowing skin and his c**k even throbbed in anticipation. He tried to resist as this was only her first night but his eyes made the mistake of falling on her chest. The rise and fall motion of hr gentle breathing was like a rope pulling him closer to her. He couldn't control himself anymore. “f**k!“ He cursed. The girl was like a poisonous scorpion unable to resist. Her aura called unto him and he could no longer stop himself. He had to have her at that instant. After all, he had paid for it. Quickly, he got to the bed and moved his hands over her arm. "f**k!" She had the smoothest skin he had ever touched. Olivia was having a peaceful dream in which she was walking the runway and her mother was there cheering her on. Suddenly, she couldn't walk and a hand squeezed hard on her left breast. It was strange as she didn't understand how the runway had suddenly become a different place. She was back to the beautiful room and there was someone on top of her. He squeezed her right breast and she stirred. She thought it was a dream and she let the man go on with what he was doing, besides, she couldn't deny the fact that it felt good. The hand moved slightly over her n*****s and Olivia held them there. A smile appeared on her face as she arched her back to the sensation. Seeing this reaction the strange man smiled. He considered her to be a childish girl. She had no idea what was going to happen to her within the next few minutes. He mocked her smile yet he loved it. It tripped another thing in his heart but most importantly in his loins. He wanted more of those smiles. “That's it darling, just keep on smiling,” he whispered lustfully and placed a few kisses on her face and down to her neck as his fingers continued massaging and pulling at her n*****s. Olivia thought this dream was the reward she deserved for all her stress that day. She turned over to the man and moaned softly, “Hmmm...“ When the man heard her soft moan, he couldn't stop himself. He had to take all of her. He unleashed his monster from his pants and ripped off her dress exposing her round virgin breasts to the cold air. Her n*****s were pointed and reddish, ready for me. At this point, he doubted she was sleeping at all. How could her n*****s be this hard and ready when she was asleep? Did she know what she was doing to him? He lowered his mouth to her inviting n****e and slowly started sucking on them. His c**k throbbed painfully and he bit down on the n****e in his mouth as his hand found his member. He started to caress himself as his mouth pleasured the naked woman he bought. For the first time, Charles made a good choice, he thought to himself. The more he sucked, the more intense it got down in his balls. He increased his pace and squeezed hard on her right n****e while sucking the left. He licked and pressed enjoying the way it sent electrifying waves to his balls. “Ahhh...” Olivia moaned suddenly as she noticed the change in the pace of the man in her dream. He got wilder and rougher. His tongue brutally lapped her n****e and his fingers squeezed hard simultaneously. The wetness soon pulled her out of sleep and that was when she realized, it wasn't a dream at all. A masked man was sucking her n****e. “Argh!“ She screamed as she jumped out of the bed like someone who had seen a ghost. The man raised his face to her and c****d his head to the side like a predator. “W-who are you?!“ She asked, as her heart started thumping as fast as a racing car. It was even more horrifying when she remembered the way she had moaned and arched her back to this stranger. She stupidly thought it was a dream! The man stood from the bed and chuckled lightly. This girl must be amazing at acting too. First, she pretended to be asleep to lure him to her bed and now she was acting scared. Amazing... "Don't come any closer or I'll scream!" She stuttered as she took subconscious steps backward. He chuckled once again and started walking towards her. “Do you want to know who I am, Little lamb?“ He asked lustfully, yet his voice was stern and cold. Olivia could feel the threat in his voice but her emotions refused to make her fix the puzzle. She was determined to scream out for help.
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